Sound Performance Lab

I was looking for some information in the Audiogon archives regarding SPL amps & preamps. There isn’t a lot but what there is has mostly been removed by the Moderator.

Has anyone had experience with these products and if so, could you please provide some feedback on both their amps & preamps, in particular the Performer s800 amp and the Director MK2 preamp which has a built-in DAC?

And, why do you think these threads have been removed?


My pre is a Luxman C-900u. I also have a Modwright Oppo 205 as my digital source. Yes, the SPL is cheaper than the Sugden, especially now that the "The Music Room" is running a special on the 1200.

@grk - Replaced your Sugden, that's saying something and a bit cheaper too. What are you using for a pre-amp and DAC if you don't mind me asking?

I purchased the SPL S1200 and am absolutely loving it! It replaced a Sugden FBA 800. I. used the amps to drive a pair of DeVore Super Nines. Better frequency extension in the highs and lows, more dynamic (micro and macro) and better imaging. Very engaging listening and it runs very cool. More weight and body to instruments as well. Also, extremely quiet and very well made!

The only nit I have to pick is that the on/off rocker switch in the rear of the amp is a bit too close to the IEC inlet and is partially obscured by my after market power cord. Other than that...I can't find anything to criticize. 

amorstereo - sounds great! I look forward to the read!

What speakers are you all pairing these components with?

Keeping within my budget constraints, I’m looking at (and have heard numerous times) KEF R11’s.

Post removed 


Have you read my Stereo Times reviews on the SPL Elector/800s/1000mono-blocks? I also put them on the Most Wanted Components list because of how superlative they are in build quality, performance, and very reasonable pricing. I just had published on Stereo Times my review on the SPL 1200s amplifier which is a great piece in its own right,

Talk a look, if you want another opinion on the SPL gear, Terry London

dalims4 - Great to know. I actually have the s800 and a Director Mk2, brand new, in storage awaiting unboxing after my remodel is complete, which is taking absolutely forever!

Hopefully I’ll be listening to tunes again, sometime this summer...fingers crossed!

I have a Elector and an s800. Best sound I’ve had. Had a Phonos but sold it when I dumped all my analog stuff. Great phono preamp. 
Sixty day home trial from The Music Room. You should try SPL. You won’t be disappointed.