Sony TA-N9000ES versus Sony TA-N80ES


I have a TA-N80ES amp and considering the TA-N9000ES amp. The specs are rated the same 200 wpc at 8 ohms when the N9000ES is run in BTL 2 channel mode, but the N9000ES manual has no power specs at 4 ohms. The THD% is better for the N80ES. So on paper the N80ES should be better. Has anyone listed to both amps and if so what were your impressions?

jasonbource52 and petg60 - I do not plan to sell the N80ES.  In fact I may get a second to run them in MONO mode.  I am just looking around before making that commitment.  Thanks.
ryder1 - thanks for the input.  I use power ratings as one measure of performance. Not all watts are created equal (Class A, etc.) Other measures include %THD.
Keep the N80ES, a much better amp in sonics and construction. Successor to N77ES and predecessor to N90ES.
Just compare the power supplies.

I owned the tan-9000es and the corresponding pre-processor tae-9000es. I would suggest to not put too much faith in the power ratings. The Sony amp sounds weaker than the Naim NAP 200 with a lower power rating.
Keep the TA-80ES! Both Sony amps are excellent and competently designed! I doubt anybody can tell them apart! Why spend more money again for nothing more than confirmation bias? The shiny new toy is always more enjoyable - for awhile at least until familiarity sets in!
Nice! Sony ES gear.

I haven’t but sending their support an email regarding both units may be something you want to try. Better specs and measurements don’t always translate to better performance in practice.

If you do, ask specific questions. I’m sure you’ll choose the right one.