Sonus Faber Question

I spent (wasted?) a lot of time switching amplifiers in and out of my system, never quite achieving the sound I was chasing. There were a lot of sideways moves. Then I purchased a demo pair of Sonus Faber Sonetto III's. After playing these through my system I finally feel I'm headed in the right direction. This speaker sound signature is the type of sound I've been seeking out. However, I get the feeling these speakers are really just scratching the surface of what Sonus Faber can offer. Unfortunately, I'm not independently wealthy. So the question is what speaker would you recommend as the next appreciable step up to capture more of the Sonus Faber essence / what should I expect to have to pay on the used market to get there? Thanks in advance!  


Current Equipment:

Sonus Faber Sonetto III's

HiFi Rose RS250A

Denafrips Pontus II 12th

Rega P6, Neo PSU w/ Hana low MC

Rega Phono Pre

PrimaLuna Evo 300 Integrated

Kimber Cable Cables, Interconnects, Etc.


In like new condition with the stands - $10 - 14K.

I listen primarily for jazz, classical (including orchestral works), some progressive rock - never really feel need for sub in the medium sized room (14' x 19'). Guarneri EVOs go down to 40Hz, so...

I later added JL Audio Fathom 112 sub crossed at 63Hz (room dependent), but for jazz and acoustical music kept it off. 

My first SF speakers were the Serafinos and I moved up to Il Cremonese which was a substantial step up over everything below it in the line. I’ve had a chance to listen to a lot of their speakers and it seems that that is the norm, each move up in the line results in a pretty significant improvement. Nova threes could be had for nine or $10,000 and I think you would find that would be a good upgrade. The last model Serafinos would be closer to 15 or 16 but those are truly superb and may do you for many years. The good news is that , at least to my ears, Each step up is a worthwhile upgrade. If you like the SF sound, you will just get a lot more of what you like about it with each step up. Good luck.

mazian - I also have the SF Sonetto V's. What does your system consist of. I feel like I'm lacking something and have considered upgrading to another SF 

I have been trying to hear the Sonus Farber Amati for months now and am getting very frustrated.  No one in my state has a demo pair to listen to and I’ve tried several times to schedule a demo of the Lilium’s ( Because they were close) and several times something happened to prevent the demo!