Sonus Faber Amati Tradition or Serafino G2


Hello - Literally my first post here. Relatively new to the hobby and looking to build a new hifi system and can use some advice here. 

I currently have a pair of BW Formation Duos (these are fantastic by the way) with Cambridge Alva TT V2 turntable and looking to up the game with what would consider to be forever system. 

I know I like the Sonus Faber sound signature. I am trying to decide between a used Amati Tradition (previous gen) vs Serafino G2 (current model) for the same cost. Both driven by Accuphase E-5000 integrated in a 13 ft X 38 ft room with 9.5ft ceiling. I listen to Jazz (50%), Acoustic vocals (25%), Classic rock(25%). Unfortunately, do not have a way to audition them before making the purchase.

Do any of you have experience with both of these and what would you do if you were in my shoes.

Thanks for your guidance in advance.


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