Some observations from a former skeptic - and a question

I had been firmly in the camp that power cables made little difference.  A few years ago, I purchased an AQ Niagara 5000 (very nice improvement by itself BTW) and had auditioned various power cables with it.  Nothing too fancy but I found differences difficult to perceive so I just used AQ Monsoon cables. However, I continued to read how others felt power cables had the most impact which I found curious. 

I recently decided to move the Niagara to a system in another home and was planning on getting another Niagara 5000. My local dealer (who carries both AQ and Nordost) suggested I try the Nordost QB 8 MK III which he claimed to be a notable improvement over the MK II variant.

I compared the Nordost and Niagara in home and found them different but not dramatically so. The Nordost I thought a bit more dynamic, the Niagara a bit “blacker” in background.

The same dealer was surprised and suggested we do an In-store demo of power cables going into the QB 8 (great move by the local dealer!).

And there it was. The benefit was clearly there in improved spatial cues - the better cables were more “open”. I tried the same thing in my system - and same result. Unfortunately, power cables do matter. I will note that the AQ Niagara - as much as I liked it (and it was the first conditioner that I heard that made a big difference) - was somewhat negating the impact of the higher end power cables (a nice benefit in hindsight). 

Power cables don’t make as much a difference as interconnects or high quality digital cables (to my ears, in my system) but the benefits are there depending on your budget and appetite for going down the proverbial rabbit hole. 

As an aside, despite Nordost’s claim otherwise, the dealer and I both found the cable from the wall to the QB8 the least impactful and the cable(s) from the QB8 to the amp and source most impactful.

My system now is mostly Valhalla 2s (interconnects and A/C from QB 8 to components. I never expected to get here given my previous experiences.

I need one more A/C cable to complete my loom - for my processor (part of my digital stack). I auditioned a Tyr 2 and it made a notable difference. Unfortunately.

My total expenditure in cables is now equal to the cost of the rest of my system which seems crazy on the surface, but the results have been really rewarding - and more audible than most component upgrades. 

Which leads me to a question: 

How does this group think an Odin 1 (several available on this website) would match with my Valhalla 2 loom? I’m gathering many users feel that Valhalla 2s are > Odin 1s.

I could just stick w/ Tyr 2 on that unit though the cost differentials are not that great between new Tyr 2 and used Odin 1, but Valhalla 2s are up there.  






Post removed 

Yep. Not surprised in the slightest.

Good on you for owning up to changing tastes and busting myths you had your mind set on.

I've not spent as much on cables as the entire system cost, but I do have some money involved, lol....(I buy most of my cables on the used market).

Yep, cables matter. EVERYTHING matters. 

Happy listening!


It's so refreshing to hear that you heard a difference and did not wait for someone to bless and anoint the PC before you tried it. There's more going on than what a scope tells you. 

That, and don't let any naysayer bother you for what they can't afford. It's your hobby, your money, and your tastes.

All the best,

And there it was. The benefit was clearly there in improved spatial cues - the better cables were more “open”.

Man, if there’s one truth I’ve learned as a long-time audiophile, EVERYTHING matters to some degree or another (unless the system is poor or not transparent enough to reveal the differences).  Just wanted to say goodonya for sticking with it, keeping an open mind (and wallet), and, most importantly, ultimately having the ability to trust your own ears.  (Hopefully jasonbourne won’t show up here and try to rain on your parade).  Congrats on making some nice positive strides in your system!  It’s gotta feel super rewarding, and you’ve certainly earned every bit of it. 

I am absolutely an advocate of high end wires. But their efficacy are dependent on your system, room and power. Also, what particular aspects of sound and music you listen to.


Your story sounds completely reasonable. I once ended up with wires that nearly cost the same as my system. so, you are not crazy there.



Be very cautious buying used Nordost. There has been large sales of fake Nordost from China… price $50 - $100 new (in fact most high end). If you have owned or seen the real thing you can tell… but if not your never going to be able to tell. 


By the way, on average most folks experience speaker cables and amp power cords being the biggest difference, then interconnects then the rest of power cords… then vibration dampening. 

I had a quick look at your system… photos would be great. It gives a much fuller impression than a list. I would be inclined to recommend staying where you are, enjoying your system, and saving for your next component upgrade.