Mconnect is not available for my iPad.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
I got it.
The only problem is that it only works using AirPlay which doesn’t support my hi-res files the way Conductor does. Still, it’s useful for accessing my favorites.
Thank you.
I must say, I’m amazed at the quality of sound every time I play a new track.
At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, it’s almost a life changing experience.
I never dreamed recordings could sound this good.
I don’t listen to much pop, rock, and the like. But for classical orchestral music this streamer is extraordinary. It separates instrumental choirs clearly, with plenty of air around instruments. Never a hint of harshness no matter how loud. Violins are full-bodied. The dynamic range is huge, that of a full orchestra. Instruments are clearly and accurately portrayed.
I’ve never heard anything near to this type of presentation, except sitting close to the orchestra at a live concert
I’m using a fine power cord.
It sounds so good, at this point I don’t feel the need for a better USB.
But thanks for the suggestion.
For some reason critical listening seems to cut out the highs.
I wrote to Aurender about the Alphabetical sorting, and searching of favorites and this is their reply:
“The limitation related to Qobuz sorting is actually a limitation by Qobuz, not Aurender. They share something called an "API" that allows us to incorporate features of their software into ours, and they did not share any sorting or filtering options with other developers. I agree 100% that this is a must-have feature but we have to wait for them to allow us to incorporate it.”
Nice reply.
The only downside to Aurender is that the dynamic range on some tracks is too good; it ranges from almost inaudible to ear splitting in the space of a few minutes. Happily, on most tracks this doesn’t happen.
Well, it can’t be perfect, can it?
I’m sorry to keep raving about the streamer so much but I have one other observation: Unlike any other source, the Aurender actually forces you into the MUSIC being played. No matter what I put on, I get drawn into it and can’t turn it off.
Forgive me if I keep giving my impressions of the new streamer.
Thanks for the tip about Qobuz. Hopefully it would work.
The magic box keeps amazing.
Once you start to listen for sound, you really screw up your perception of reality. Every little thing is scrutinized and you lose track of the big picture, the music.
i’m happiest with my original settings and sticking with them. I also like seeing the display.
My condolences for your lack of a streamer. It must be tough.
I just tried an experiment. I played critical mode using coax instead of USB and the sound improved. I’m going to keep in on this setting for a while.
You’re so right about that. It’s very, very difficult to get out of. I started it but I think I stopped it in time. As we know, the thing is to concentrate on the music.
Had a momentary blackout in the house yesterday. Aurender was on and lost connection to the tablet. Worked for hours to reestablish it. No luck. Called Aurender. They were not available. Turned it on this morning. Now working perfectly.
btw, I played an LP of a Haydn symphony that I know sounds wonderful. Compared it to the same performance on Aurender. Sounded identical.
Digital performance has evidently been perfected.
It was with your encouragement and others that made me pull the trigger on purchasing the N200. Of course you know how that turned out. Thank you. Actually, the streamer sounds better than CD or SACD.. I think it decodes digital files better than any other source.. As I’ve said, equal to the best analog performance.
Whether to use coax or USB has been an interesting question for me. I have both hooked up to the streamer and it’s hard to tell the difference sonically. I believe the USB is very slightly more appealing, so I use it. As for cabling, I’ve already invested a lot in it.
What model Merging DAC do you use, and/or recommend?
Fortunately I can read the display from where I sit.
After much experimentation I find the sound definitely more open and enjoyable with CLM off ( and using the USB.).
I don’t know why this is, either.
Getting back to the Aurender N200, the only problem I have with it, as mentioned before, is the extreme dynamic range. It’s very disconcerting to be immensely enjoying a track and then be blown up by an ear splitting, unnatural uptake in volume. Lowering the overall volume can make the rest of it unenjoyable because the music becomes almost inaudible. Thank goodness this does not happen with the majority of tracks.
Oh well, i guess one must take the extremely good with the bad. Otherwise, I love it.
I think you’ll find all the Pittsburgh/Honeck recordings are that way. I don’t sense clipping. Just too loud; and the soft passages, too soft.
I’ll search for other examples.
I’ll report back after investigating.
I’m becoming inured after listening to so much music.
Probably the best explanation.
The Pittsburgh Symphony recordings with Manfred Honeck are examples of recordings that have too much dynamic range on my set. It may sound real in a concert hall, but in my listening room it’s overpowering. Impressive, yes, but overpowering.
My Benchmark is already at the lowest gain setting.
Thanks for your suggestion though..
I listened on Qobuz.
I have some of the Honeck’s on SACD, and you’re right, not as annoyingly loud.
I wouldn’t describe the sound as “shrieking” but rather excessively loud. Some might even like it.
i was in the same position you are in. I decided to buy the N200 on time, interest free with 12 monthly payments. Doesn’t hurt as much.
I’m so happy I did. It’s totally worth it.
If the N150 sounds anything like the N200, I would go for it.
btw, Mercury Living Presence tracks sound unbelievable on the Aurender.
You can hear the sampler on Qobuz.
Play it loud.
You could be right about the DAC, but I’m enjoying the current interaction otherwise so much, it’s not worth a change of units. Also, it’s a fairly rare occurrence.
Not a fan of Bruckner. Hard for me to listen to.
I accept what you’re saying though. I think it may be a DAC thing. Although, other than Pittsburgh/Honeck, just about everything else doesn’t exhibit this problem.
Although I believe my Benchmark DAC is doing a great job, just out of curiosity, what other DACs would you recommend?
Well, I wouldn’t call the Benchmark poop.
Thanks for the list!
Sorry if you thought I was demeaning your choices.
I wasnt
FYI, the Benchmark DAC3HGC is identical to the DAC3 aside from some extra features.
I auditioned the Qutest years ago. Liked my Schitt Gungnir better.
Thank you so much for your detailed reply. I don’t want to break the bank with a DAC , so it’s a difficult choice.
The heart of my system is a vintage Conrad Johnson preamp refitted with Teflon caps by CJ. It really makes my system work.
If you just listen to the music, the N200 exists in pretty rarefied air.
Hmm…. Very interesting idea. I have to think about that.
I still have about a month to decide.
Yes, it makes sense that the N200 would sound better than the A200.
I just ordered a Shunyata USB cable that my dealer says will improve the brightness problem. Hopefully it will and I’ll have no need for a different DAC.
I mostly love the sound of the N200 the way it is.
I believe the DAC3 and the N200 have excellent synergy, despite the deprecating comments.
The brightness is an issue only very occasionally. I definitely don’t think it warrants a new DAC. Most of the time the balance is excellent. I’m replacing the stock USB cable with the Shunyata Gamma USB cable to remedy any remaining issues.