So how do these new bots make money?

One thing I'm rather curious about is how the new batch of bots get monetized. A lot of them seem to be... generic buzz creators like... "hey why is brand Z not talked about more?? "

And yeah,  clearly they are either automated or at least, not sincere.  I'm curious how they get paid though.  I mean, if you are a reputable manufacturer of consumer goods, do you pay for stuff like that??


Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

@vonhelmholtz - Of course, that makes sense, but some of these bots seem... well, pretty small potatoes.

I mean, if some one comes in here advertising Bud's Earbuds, I doubt it moves the sales needle, and yet they keep coming back.  Also when it's a big brand I have to wonder, are they really paying for this??