Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing

Hi All, I got bit by the Snake River Audio bug and took advantage of their Labor Day sale.  After talking with Jonny (nicest guy) I bought 2 of the signature hybrids and 1 of the cottonmouth power cables.  The unboxing was an experience and these cables are beautiful. The cables were shipped all kids of certificates and goodies from Idaho.  I can't wait to get these into the system and give you all my feedback.  If you're on the fence, just call Jonny and let him tell you about the cables first hand.


@vthokie83 "I was driving $2,300 speakers with .$1,200 speaker cables"

please help me, being adv. analog circuit designer, to understand your point, would be awesome if you can provide more details, such as amplifier type, speaker details, length of cable etc. 

speakers are driven by the amp, cable only adds few mOhms/uH/pF to interconnect parasitics.. 


I'm not sure my last post was clear in my intention. I meant to point out that I (at the time) was driving affordable speakers with much more expensive speaker cables.....which makes no sense to me now.

System at the time: Buchardt Audio S400 MKIIs, Denafrips Hades preamp, Denafrips Thallo amplifier, custom Neotech 3001 UP-OCC and Neotech spade connectors......I think they are 2.5 meters each

I have not reinstalled the Neotech cable with my new system, as I am still partially disassembled waiting to finish my listening room in my basement.

New system: Aric Audio Motherlode XL preamp, Aric Audio Transcend "Push Pull" EL 34 tube amp, CODA S5.5 SS amplifier, and Clayton Shaw Caladan OB speakers.

This is getting off topic, Again. Please, lets leave the opinions to another (other) thread.  I've started the break-in and will add a thread in the future about my impressions of these beautify cables.  We can debate in that one, lol.

A big shout out to Jonny at SRA for such an amazing design. The cables have weight, and yet,  pliable where they need to be and ridged at the ends.  Just an overall wounder of construction. Plus, they look amazing, giving a pop of color to the system.  So far, I'm happy with my purchase.


You are 100% correct, this is a thread about your experience; did not mean to hijack your thread

Here in the U.K. the power distribution system, called the National Grid, Is going to be massively overhauled. There is no warning, but there will be hundreds of new connects and dissconnects, errors and accidents. Power drops and surges. If we don't have protection, many Hi-Fi's are going to be fried while we sleep. And there will be no recourse to the law, untill we have all died.

They have not compensated the A-Bomb test troops yet.

Crying in the wilderness, IAN.