Single Track that's worth the price of Admission

In another thread I commented on some resurrected analog gear that has me enjoying my old LP's.  Great fun for sure.  So given this Christmas season I pulled out some old albums.  One included a 1975 Vienna Choir Boys under the direction of Hans Gillesberger.  The last song on the album was one I had never heard or recalled from the past-- "Pueri concinite".  Now I only understood a few words, but it really did not matter.  This was one of those songs that sent chills up your spine, over and over again.  Angelic, arresting, I can't quite pick the word.  Thanks be to God above I was able to enjoy this and I never tossed my vinyl!

So here's the question.  What albums or CD's have you enjoyed where one single cut was worth the cost of admission?  

Showing 3 responses by millercarbon

There was an old Englishman fuzztone who was asked if he knew the way to Lower Tuttenham. The old man thought a minute, scratched his beard, and said, "Well sir, I do know where it is. But if I was you I wouldn't start from here."
Jennifer Warnes, The Well, the limited edition 45 has extra tracks the last of which is Born in Time. What a voice. What a recording. Worth it all right there. Especially since, far as I can tell, its only on the 45 LP.