No,actually as I said,I felt the i5 was just a touch sweeter..Like changing from current production EL34 tubes to NOS Winged C or NOS Gold Lion tubes..NOTHING night & day but with SUPER resolving speakers, a slight highlighting of the midrange,like the sun going from a beautiful warmish yellow(240i) to a deeper redish/orange(i5) as it sets..
If the speakers are NOT really,REALLY good,I doubt any difference will ever be heard!
I also felt the build quality of the i5 was slightly better,just a small step up using all metal & aluminum in it’s build where the 240i has some plastic in it’s facia..You really can’t tell the 240i face is plastic unless you tap on it with a fingernail but it is there...Also note:used i5’s are VERY hard to find & priced at a premium nowdays as opposed to used 240i’s...