Signal cable Analog Two IC

Hi, I am looking in replacing my Monster cable Studiolink 500 to the Signal Cable Analog Two IC. Has anyone try this cable? Thanks in advance
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
It's pretty good a nice warm sounding cable pretty good cable for the money. Though if you could stretch your budget around 100 you could get Grover Huffman interconnect. These are the best sounding cables I've heard including cables costing 10-20x as much.
The Signal Cables are generally ver good. I bought a few, also their silver resolution IC, that one is excellent.
What is Grover's web site called. I have a have a hard time finding him. Audience makes an entry level gacle called Conductors wich are quite good. They seem to have lttle if any coloration of their own and are fast.
Yes - very good cable indeed, that I am still using between my cable box and integrated. Clear and neutral.
You may want to try canare lv-61s or other belden products from blue jeans.. may be a tad cheaper.
I'll second the recommendation for the Blue Jeans LC-1 interconnect, which I use throughout my system. I've become a big fan of their IC and speaker cables. That said, I own a Signal Cable Magic Power powercord, and it is extremely well-constructed, looks a bit more finished/polished/flashy than Blue Jeans, and makes a big difference in the performance of my system. Blue Jeans tends to be slightly cheaper and (in my mind) may be the better value.