Shout out to Vinshine Audio and Alvin Chee

With all the contention on buying local vs abroad always comes the caveat of how do I get it serviced, should something go wrong. Even with shipping paid both ways for the first 30 days and having to pay just one way for the rest of the 1st year, that seems to be enough to turn some off on taking a chance of some well reviewed equipment.

Factor in the weight of an amp that’s nearing 60 lbs. and I can see why one would hesitate. But, what if you didn’t need to send the whole unit back and all that was required was just waiting for a new power board to arrive and then all you had to do is send back the faulty one?

Since the Kinki line of amps and integrateds are modular, opening it up and removing the problem board would quell any questions and put to rest any doubts. But just how would one go about removing said boards not knowing how it’s all put together?

Well, Alvin Chee has that all worked out for you, should you ever need to do it, and he’s made some nice videos to show you how.

I really hope this allays any fears of buying an overseas product such as the Kinki line of amps. After watching all the videos, it’s something even I could do, if I had to, and I’m not that handy when it comes to electronics.

All the best,

Showing 1 response by douglas_schroeder

Vinshine and Alvin were superb in responsiveness to me as I reviewed the Kinki Studio EX-M1+, found at 

As opposed to manufacturers who are reluctant at my rolling opamps into their gear, I was given very helpful information and images from Vinshine to ensure a good opamp rolling experience. It was delightful and made the EX-M1+ even better. 

Kudos to Alvin and Vinshine!