Should we care if a piece of equipment comes from a pet-free, kid-free, smoke-free home?

I agree that I do not want a preamp or speaker coated with a film of smoke, but I am confused as to what a child or pet could do that would not be otherwise visible. You would see the cat scratches on the speaker grill, the dog chew marks on the rack, the iguana turds in the amplifier cooling vents. And what's a little dog hair among friends? As a 3 year old, I supposedly put my finger through my grandfather's new DIY speaker but I'm pretty sure he replaced the drivers so even that doesn't really matter. Most things will be visible and/or easily remedied.  Maybe the price will even be a little lower because of the cosmetics. If it doesn't mess with function, not a big deal to me.

What concerns me more is does it come from a drunk-free, drug-free home.  I think befuddled owners are far more worrisome than pets or children.



Showing 1 response by normb

Wow.  And here I thought I was the only one.

To start, let me just say I LOVE cats.

Can’t ever eat a whole one though…

(ba-DUMP-dum-CHING! I’m here all week folks, two shows on Saturday nights. Tip your waiter)


Cat dander is a much larger problem than most people realize. EVERY cat on the planet produces 5 types of allergens. The stuff from the saliva coats their hair and breaks off in little 2-3 micron lengh tubules as it slides off the ends of their hair. Particles SO small - but large enough - to get into our lungs’ terminal bronchi, stay there, and trigger allergic reactions, asthma or just be plain old irritants to non-allergic folks.  And it persists. A house where a cat has lived will still have measurable amounts of allergen many years (upwards of five in some studies) and in my years of practice (I’m a family practice physician, licensed since 1992, board-certified since 1999) I’ve treated hundreds of people for allergies who had NO idea they were allergic to cats until they were tested.

Dust mite and cockroach dander are also YUGE problems - but for another time and thread maybe.

I’ve read threads on several boards and fakebook pages where people post pictures of their cutesie little snookum wookums kitty witty all curled up atop  amplifiers that cost more than the average family car and other such.

Being allergic to the foul beasts myself (they WALK in their toilets then atop your food prep areas of your kitchen people!), ’m going to vote on the side of buying ONLY from smoke-free (this one’s self-explanatory… it’s 2024, only sociopaths still smoke), catless homes. Kids I’m not that worried about, the damage they do is usually more obvious.