Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved

Unable to respond to, "Mach2Music and Amarra: Huge Disappointment"- Thread. Other Members take free pop-shots!
Apparently some have more Freedom Of Speech than others! I
don't know how many times I have said it, I want Computer
Audio to succeed! It will only succeed if Computers are designed from the ground up to reproduce Music (Same minimum standard applied for Equipment of ALL Audio Formats)! This is common sense Audio Engineering Design. Bandaid Modifications cannot be substituted for absence in design to produce Music! Design it right to EARN the right to become a New Audio Format- same as all other Audio Formats! No Freebee's, No Cutting Corners! Lack of design is what's causing such varied results in S.Q. between
listeners of Computer Audio. I see about 50% negative
responses here on these Threads. It will continue to happen unless you fix it! Blaming me won't help! I am an
Engineer, and I can read results! 50/50 success/ failure
rate- you have an inherit Engineering Design Flaw for the
reproduction of Music via Computers! Shock! Suprise- since
they were never designed for Music! So when is someone finally going to properly design the Equipment/Computer
(From the ground up) for Computer Audio? Do we continue
to treat any real criticism as "HERESY" in the lack of
design in Computer Audio for Music? You tell me what I am
allowed to talk about, and we will both know!
"Mapman- I am not frustrated with the complexities of Computer Audio. Certainly confused with the Salesman line of "CONVENIENCE" based on that complexity. WOW! What a wake-up call THAT was! I say this because I still do use Computer Audio, and still want to continue using it- as I have stated before. Just don't want to be isolated in the marketplace of using it as my last, and only resort. This is what a single Audio Format would imply."

But your thread title was about the sound quality. Mine with computer audio is the best I have ever had. IT will only get better, but I am quite pleased with it these days.

We'll have to agree to disagree about the computer audio monopoly concerns. I do not see it at all. Biggest problem is that its harder than ever for companies to make money selling CDs. That's OK with me too for all the reasons already explained.

THat's about it for me.

Cheers! Go Ravens!
PettyOfficer, you make a fair point above:
Why does everyone here complain more (numerically) than I do, if you already have what you want? Why aren't you happy? Why waste your time here?

Why, indeed?

My enjoyment of music certainly has little to do with yours, PettyOfficer, though as a friend I would love to see you have more of what you like.

The only reason I'm weighing in here is for the benefit of posterity, and for the hearts and minds of other posters. This is what I do, and it's not meant as a slight to you, or an incitement to you to change your ways. I just don't want future generations to look back at us arguing about formats and misunderstand any perspective.

So, to that end, I have two more points I'd like to bring up. You continually mention cassettes and solar flares, and I think a fuller understanding of the issue would bring clarity to the discussion.

1) Magnets have a measurable strength, as anyone who's ever tried to push two together with their polarity opposed will tell you. Some are more powerful than others. The strength of a magnet's "Magnetizing Field" is measured in Oersted (or Oe) units.

Any storage medium for magnetic information, including cassette tapes, reel-to-reel, and platter Hard Disc Drives (NOT Solid State Drives) also use magnets, and due to the unique principles of magnetism it will resist having its field altered or realigned, to a certain point. This property is called "coercivity", and it's what protects your data. In a very simple sense, a weaker magnet cannot influence a stronger one. One cassette tape cannot erase another, nor can a weaker magnet erase a hard drive.

The Earth itself has a magnetic field of 3-5 Oe. The magnetic field generated by a cassette tape is between 25-50 Oe. Modern hard drives, which write data in a perpendicular fashion, have an Oersted rating of 4000-5000 Oe.

By contrast, the magnetic read head of an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine in a hospital has a rating of about 60,000 Oe. Not to worry, though: a magnetic field degrades exponentially over distance. As long as your hard drive is more than 1 meter away from the MRI read head (i.e. not in the MRI machine itself) the field will not be strong enough to effect your drive.

I hope that puts to rest the question of whether "giant" magnets will erase your drive, and the comparisons between cassettes and Hard drives. Hard drives are literally upwards of 100 times more powerful than cassettes, and the strongest magnet most of us are likely to encounter in our lives won't erase them unless we're trying. Nothing to worry about.

2) Solar Flares. I'm not sure where this concern comes from, but it's not warranted. Solar Flares wreak all kinds of damage on our lives, degrading satellite orbits, ionizing our outer atmosphere, corrupting radio communications, and numerous other detrimental effects. One thing they don't do is effect the Earth's magnetic field. If they did, you would routinely have bits of metal around your house flying into the air.

The single most magnetically disastrous entity in the known Universe is a magnetar. This is a superdense neuron star, so dense that a thimblefull of magnetar would weigh upwards of 100 million tons. It's the strongest magnet in the universe by a country mile, and it will literally rip the water out of your body at 1000 km. It's magnetic field is hundreds of billions of times more powerful than the sun.

However, it couldn't even erase credit card strips until it's about half the distance from the moon away from Earth. By that point, the gamma radiation it emits will have destroyed our entire civilization.

None of the problems from solar flares are magnetic. They will never erase nor corrupt your hard drive.

Plenty of things can erase or corrupt the data on a hard drive, but magnetism and solar flares are not among them. You're far more likely to lose data to a power failure, read error, or any other of 100 things than you are to magnets, and you can easily protect against those things.

So be concerned about choice and about quality, but don't worry about magnets or solar flares. This data will outlive us all.
Mapman- I am not frustrated with the complexities of Computer Audio. Certainly confused with the Salesman line of "CONVENIENCE" based on that complexity. WOW! What a wake-up call THAT was! I say this because I still do use Computer Audio, and still want to continue using it- as I have stated before. Just don't want to be isolated in the marketplace of using it as my last, and only resort. This is what a single Audio Format would imply.
Chadeffect- I have no problem finding CD Music Selection Online. Always find it, although it may take many hours to look for a particular selection. The problem is that I always find the magic words next to it "No Longer Available", or "No Longer In Print". Not alot anyone can do about that. It is a case of an availability problem, and a case of knowing where to look- this includes Downloadable Music Files. These problems will continue to get worse as "Music Selection" remains splintered across a dozen sources. There is no longer a single place to look for your particular Music. It has become like playing the Lottery, chances are you will miss it. To really make this problem worse, many times over, would be to pull the Music Selection left available on Disk while same selection does not yet exist on Download (Soon To Be?). THAT IS WHAT'S SO WRECKLESS TO MUSIC SELECTION (Disk and Music File). Downloads not keeping up, and certainly unable to fill the vacuum of CD selection should it be completely yanked- as some have demanded. We are ten thousand CDs "Out Of Print" already on the way there. Because of that I have missing Music (CD and Download). Yank what is left of CD, Downloads will not be able to pick up the slack for quite sometime. I am pretty old, this is not my first Rodeo, I have certainly switched Audio Formats before. This is the first time it has ever been switched where selection for the New Format will remain "Soon To Be" for many years to come. Rediculous to suggest that all of the Music on my shelf should be the "ONLY" Music that I am likely to ever listen to. So much for exploring other Music that I have yet to listen to. No Longer In Print, and not available as Download (Perhaps for many years to come). Asking that somebody go a little easier on the "Reaping" of Music Selection from "Soon all New Music will only be available as Music Downloads". I want New Music, Old Music, ALL MUSIC, available for everyone. Never going to get there the way we are going. That tells me that there is really something wrong with the way we are doing it. It has never been this way before- struggling, and not finding our Music. Selection either existed in Old Format, or in New Format; but, NOT absent from either Format to such a degree simultaneously. What is so different this time? I don't think that it is being done correctly, and it is being done incorrectly too fast! Show some mercy! Have a little empathy for others losing their Music due to "The best layed plans of Mice and Men". Does anyone even care about Music being available for everyone, or is it just "Scr_w you, I got mine"? Pretending to being blind to the problem doesn't help. In fact it might even be permanently damaging to Computer Audio for quite sometime. We will certainly be permanently losing a large portion of our Music this way. THERE IS ANOTHER WAY!!! Computer Audio (Music) should be servicing us- this is how it is done.
Computer Audio Downloading is NOT providing New Music, Old Music, ALL MUSIC to everyone- and it won't in the near future (Certainly by itself). There is no use for any Audio Format that defeats its own purpose. People will tire of what is not available as Download, and BEEN GONE with CD. End Download Format, CD long gone, and we end up with NO FORMAT! Everyone happy? I guess that I will be the only one NOT! These concerns have "NOT" been addressed. Claiming so, doesn't make it so. More like "Sweeping it under a rug". Sorry to offend in yanking the rug back. Just a consequence of redoing the floor (Changing Formats). What were you expecting? This switch-over is a cluster-____, and a mess- compared to all other switch-overs. Need to clean-up the mess of missing Music Selection before using Download Format as only/ last resort. Accelerating forward now is not my idea of bravery, more like wreckless suicide. Clean-up the mess.
"It is the only way to make sure". CDs will certainly have to be around a long while before THIS mess is cleaned up.
As Mature Adults, we clean-up after ourselves- don't we? Are we just getting lazy, impatient, or both? Not exactly mature. Computer Audio Downloads as last/ only resort for Music. Sounds scary, doesn't it. Perhaps for good reason.
Mother Nature gave you those warning signs for a purpose, not to ignore danger! That is, unless you want to be a Deer
in headlights/ roadkill. Stop turning our Music Selection into roadkill. Computer Audio will eventually get there, but not until its Music Selection is robust/ worthy. That is the standard we have always held ALL New Formats. No New Format should ever get a free pass of someone going without their Music. Going hard on the Audio Format, so it goes easier on the Music Lover. Reversing that should be a crime! Experimenting as such is certainly a crime against Humanity, and Nature. This certainly puts consumers a few rungs down on the food chain. Why this self-destructive behavior with our Music, I will never know! Me, I'm going down those few rungs a clawing- and a fighting. Millions of years of Evolution put me on the Food Chain where I am at. I will be damned that someone is going to sell me out by a few rungs (For Convenience?)- fought too long, and hard to be where I am at. I'm clawing up- NOT DOWN!

"Low blow on the Wife issue, I will let it pass."

I meant no insult, quite the opposite. It was meant as lighthearted fun. Please except my apologies if offence was taken.

To continue on with these other rather tedious concerns, I think you worry too much. I have yet to see any unresolvable issues in your long replies. Surely after many replies you can see another side to your concerns?

I honestly read your list of issues and most just don't exist. The format thing is irrelevant. These will always be interchangeable/convertible and available. Even if you just keep redbook.

But I do understand this availability problem. It's just a case of knowing where to look. Give us a list of CDs you would really like to find. Maybe I could help track some of them down. If it existed it probably still does somewhere.
ALso, computer audio is still a "new frontier". It will become more settled over time, probably for the better.
" "I understand Petty's concerns, but do not share them". I'm not sure what to make of that one. I can't seem to add it together. "

In other words i can understand your frustrations with teh complexities of modern computer based audio. I agree it is too complex for many. Not for me though. I work with computers for a living though so I do not consider myself a typical case.
My responses are long because some like to dog pile- they think it makes their position stronger. If I hate everything Computer Audio, why do I want BOTH Formats? I use Computer Audio, I know its faults, so do you!
It is a little hard to measure the "Sound Quality" of silence, and weither it should be improved or not. If the Music Selection isn't there, what are you measuring? What is the point? "I understand Petty's concerns, but do not share them". I'm not sure what to make of that one. I can't seem to add it together.
Drubin- no offense. What you say seems like a sales pitch (Or Too Good to be true). Reality just doesn't measure up to your description. It sounds to me like a whole hell of alot of hot air- soon to be. I am certain you believe in what you say- so much so that when someone indicates results that don't match, they must be the fault. Here, and Now (Not Future Soon To Be) Computer Audio Download Music Selection leaves alot to be desired. You have not heard this the first time from me! Here, and Now ten thousand CD Music Selections have been gone for quite some time. Computer Audio is not keeping up.
People, there is currently a whole lot of Music that is NOT available on CD, AND NOT available as Downloads. If "understanding" this concern, "but not sharing it" is the best that 7 pages of Responses can do- I'll take it! Something tells me that you guys know there is a problem, but just want to protect Computer Audio against all. I have NEVER threatened Computer Audio. I have never claimed that it should be eliminated- shoot, I use it alot of the time. I like it, I want to keep it. It's advantages outweigh it's disadvantages. I also want to keep the Silver Disks "just in case" those disadvantages become unmanagable. If that makes me some unreasonable "ALIEN" from another Planet, or a "Borg soldier here to assimilate" (COME ON!). Sorry if it takes a whole page (Or Seven of them), to address such rediculous issues. I am doing the best that I can in as little space as I can. I will try to do better (Assimilation, that is)! I plan on continuing to use Computer Audio, but you have got to give me some slack on the Music Selection on both CD- and Music Downloads. Your Silver Disk Assimilation to Download ONLY
availability- is just being a little bit too ruthless on Music Selection. I am not always right, neither always wrong- I just know that I am missing Music. To me (Crazy Idiot!) that is NOT an option in switching Formats. If that makes me an Alien, so be it- call Will Smith or M.I.B.! Attacking me again in your last Responses- is confirmation of what? Go back and read my last response more carefully, if you don't know. I think you know, so do I. Why continue to pretend? No one here is really an Idiot, unless they pretend to be. Some of us need more time to catch up, unless you just want to leave a big portion of our Music behind permanently. Let me know what Music you want to cherry pick to save, so we will both know what will be available P-U-L-E-A-S-E!
Thank you Timlub.

I just have to add before doing my best not to post on this thread again that of the 10,000 CDs that are no longer available, I don't need any of them. Numbers can overwhelm and give the false sense that the sky is falling.

How many copies of the no-longer-available CDs does one have already?
How many are just not selling?
How many are of poor quality compared to todays pressings and just won't sound good on a decent rig?
How many are now available in some form of download and most likely sound better than the original CD?
How many are only available in MP3? (see above)

All the best,
I understand Petty's concerns but do not share them.

Time to put this thread to rest? 6 pages and where have we gotten? What have we learned?
PO is obviously of superior intellegence to anyone on this forum. I am beginning to wonder if he is an alien from another galaxy sent here to evaluate our species for a possible assimulation. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.
I have come to understand that Petty is completely correct about everything he says.... In his own mind. Every alternative point has turned to argument, a one line statement from anyone gets a page from Petty. His endurance is amazing, as so many say, I agree to disagree. He has a different perspective and is unbending, even to logical, concise examples.
This is a no win proposition my audio brothers.
Petty Officer's thread seems to be mostly centered on how he hates computers and their association with audio. Very little discussion addressing the sound quality of computer audio and if the sound should be improved?

Hence, it would be more appropriate for Petty Officer to completely close this thread and create a much more accurate title labelled -

"Why I hate everything about computer audio."

I'm just sayin ;-)
Downloadable music means that more recorded music will be readily available for a longer time (forever, even) than ever before. Physical media is a limiting factor in the publishing and distribution of music. This is a big win for everyone, seems to me.
Low blow on the Wife issue, I will let it pass. "I doubt there are that many CDs you want that cannot be found. But as time passes you will have to go to more specialist shops/websites to find them". Been there, done that many times over. Been searching HD-tracks, and other download Websites. Even lowered myself to search I-Tunes. Selection isn't there (Unless MP3). Gone online to Silver Platters, Amazon, Elusive Disk, Best Buy....etc- to search for the missing Silver Disks. Went to the Stores for particular CDs, ended up empty handed. Ask same Stores to do a search,
answer is always the same "No Longer In Print". Store Salesmen tell me that atleast ten thousand CDs are currently OUT OF PRINT. They apologize, there is nothing they can do. They then claim that it is all due to Downloading. Your presumptions, Chadeffect, simply do not reflect observable realty. THIS is what makes me nervous
(PARANOID- are you kidding) about Computer Audio. None of the claims about it actually match observable reality. This unorganized, "MESSY", and lazy turnover of Audio Formats has ended up leaving a gigantic hole in Music Selection. It is VERY REAL. When you are in a hole of Music Selection, THERE ARE NO CHOICES! You have prematurely rushed an "Soon To Be" Audio Format in Music Selection while selection in the Old Format has BEEN GONE!
We take the hit in giving up listening to our favorite Music. Not available as Download, no longer available on CD ten thousand times over! Who do I speak to about this? Oh yeah! I have been speaking about this for quite sometime- look at the length of this Thread. Most of it due to me having to repeat myself ad nauseum about this problem with single exclusive Downloading Format. Computer Audio Downloading is simply NOT doing it's job in putting the Music Selection IN MY HAND! It is prematurely driving away many more options as fallback in CD. Feeling a real pinch here, and have been deriled/ insulted/ dog piled for trying to bring the current "MESS" of our Music Status to light. Do not need to remaster/ rip anything. Also need to give up DXD, 32-Bit, Multi-Channel 24/96-24/192 MLP, DVD Audio Advanced Resolution, SACD, XRCD, XRCD2...etc. These things are not downloadable, and they may never be. This only adds Advanced Resolution Disks to that growing hole of Music Selection. Can't measure the sound quality of Music Selection that is "Soon To Be". Can't listen to it, and certainly can't use it to replace CD Music Selection that is already gone. I suppose we can't try New Music on CD, that will be gone too. Can't try Remastered releases on CD either. I have seen maybe a handful of Remastered Downloads available. Computer Audio Downloads simply aren't up to speed in Music Selection. Would be nice to purchase even New Music on CD until Downloads are up to speed- OOOPS! TOO LATE! Will have to go without Music again tonight. Simply not available as Download, and Out of Print in CD. Something has simply got to give here! I find this Mess in Music Selection as intoleratable. Convenience isn't the pill to solve this vacuum! Your solution to this problem is to simply attack me for raising the problem. I suppose that you do this because it is simply more "CONVENIENT" than actually having to deal with the problem. Ignoring problems with Computer Audio will surely put a nail in its coffin as fast as CD. If down to a single Download Format, this will mean NO FORMAT- GREAT! If I were you I would be a little more cautious with that "Last" exclusive Audio Format of Downloading. Certainly if you want to make it the only Format we have left. Better take more care of it (Music Selection) than you have so far! I am NOT impressed, and my patience is wearing thin on not having Music. You have better do something to preserve the only (Your Desire) Format we will have left. What you are doing so far, ain't working.
Time to get "RESULTS ORIENTED" on Computer Audio Music Selection. Your Music, New Music WILL DEPEND ON IT! I don't believe that I can depend on Downloading exclusively for my Music Selection for New Music, or ANY Music. Problem is, I can no longer depend on CD as well. It wasn't this way before with our Music. You tell me what went wrong, and fix it- or your Format is simply no good!
If it can't deliver the Music, it certainly doesn't deserve to be the only "Exclusive" Audio Format. Prove me wrong by fixing the problems, not by attacking me! I think you know the problem is unsolvable, that is why your only solution available is to attack me. Confirmation will be in the next response. You are not fooling anyone, if that is the case. Prove me wrong. You guys simply don't know how to replace an Audio Format; because, you are doing it all WRONG! Music Selection results speak for themselves!

"Why do I feel like I am the only one who lost something here?"

Where is that psychologist? Last time I looked everything you used to have you still have and can still get. You are safe.

Your argument is a storm in a tea cup. Each point you make makes little sence if you think clearly. You do not need to remaster anything. You don't have to rip anything. You are not even the villan. You are just misunderstanding and dare I say a little paranoid.

I wonder what the failure rates on HDs are? In my own experience, and massive solar flares aside, I have had 2 HD failures. But I have had probably 100 HDs so far. So should you go down the HD path, three back ups should keep your library very safe. HDs are cheap enough these days and you will have the original CDs.

There is no "have to" anything. All there is is choice. You can use your CDs. No one is stopping you. I doubt there are that many CDs you want that cannot be found. But as time passes you will have to go to more specialist shops/websites to find them. Again not any Orwellian nightmare, just market forces..

We do not need your blood, or even the air in your lungs. If your wife is pretty and good fun we might take her though! ;-)
Returning to a disposable Cassette on a disk, with magnetic 1's and 0's, IS returning to Stone Age Caveman status. There is risk to the Consumer in purchasing an etheral Audio Format, as opposed to a physical one. Ruining one CD doesn't ruin all of them. What will ruin a handful of Music Files, will probably fragment all of them. All eggs in one basket may feel convenient...But!!!
Hey, two baskets (One Back-up Hard Drive)- perfect solution! Problem solved! This is how your logic sounds. I want to protect my Music with a back-up Format of CD. You want to shoot the whole load on a single Audio Format of Downloading and a daft Solar Flare? No power anyways, so blow away any sense of precaution now? Boy, aren't we living wreckless? My issue has always been that YOU have a right to live wreckless with your valuable Music- You still don't have the right to impose the same on ME! You call this "Good advice and information"? Insult me all you want, I still have the right to keep my Music safe. Damn, never thought that doing so was a crime- THIS IS SAD! Best advice is to keep CD Format as back-up Format for Download Music Files, "JUST IN CASE". "Yes, you do pay for the air that you breath". Is that some twisted way to mean more money in your pocket for the priveledge of us breathing? Well, it is not only CDs and Guns, now you will have to pry the oxygen out of our cold dead lungs. Does nothing belong to the individual anymore? Not property, unalienable rights, right to vote, or even breath. We are all just disposable Carbon Units listening to disposable Music Files. Save me George Orwell, I think that I am going to be sick from all of this "CONVENIENCE"! Being treated like an Animal in an "ANIMAL FARM". So much for an Emancipation Proclamation. Humans as slaves to bacteria- EGADS! What else are we being slaves to? Why is it that only those labeled IDIOTS are the only ones who demand a choice? This is plain narcistic Ego trip, demanding the authority to dictate how everyone else shall be controlled in how they listen to their Music. They don't like it, or
they complain, they must be IDIOTS! Sounds to me like someone deciding that they are just a little more "EQUAL" than others. Is this what it is all about? This sounds more like a personal problem, can't help you. It is obviously about you, not me! I'm willing to share the market among two Formats. Aren't you being just a little greedy demanding that I be allowed to use only one? Sure, this makes me the real lunatic Villain here. Why do I feel like I am the only one who lost something here? Why does everyone here complain more (numerically) than I do, if you already have what you want? Why aren't you happy? Why waste your time here? What do you want from me, Blood? You will just have to settle for all of my CDs, my Gun, and the oxygen in my lungs. Sorry if that comes up short! I know how you hate not getting a 110% of what you want. Grow up, and get over it. There is nothing else left to take (take my wife, please!). There is no Music Selection for me in the Download Music Market, unless it is MP3. Take
my CDs, no Music for me- and YOU are unhappy? This is not enough??? Give it a rest already! Used to pay someone else to Remaster/Rip/Burn my Music onto Disk, now I have to pay through the nose to perform the same priveledge myself? It doesn't get any more Stone Age than that! I am not a Professional Mastering Studio. I don't think that anyone else here is either. Best layed plans of Mice, and Men with cheap laptops. Well, I guess you could always pretend!

You have had numerous people giving you good advice and information. You have disregarded all of it. You obviously know better than the whole world. Back up your music to CDR.

"Back up hard drives are just another life preserver..." That is the point. Cannon fodder. If one dies you replace with another.

For gods sake your solar flare argument is so daft. If this happens you will have no power anyway. Let alone any ways to buy music. No phone no banking system etc. And when power is restored it is probable that other sensitive parts of the circuits in all your equipment will be destroyed/effected. We will all be returned to caveman status. Your CDs or whatever format will not help you. You will have to whistle those tunes like the rest of us.
Sorry, Theebout. You have taken an extreme version of my premise, and tried to use the extreme to nullify any arguement. You have to completely erase the entire Hard Drive to even slightly corrupt the Music Files stored on it? I think you know better, and so do I. I also believe that Electronic Devices (Like SSD) are succeptible to extreme Electro-Magnetic Radiation, as in a Solar Flare. Same Solar Flare can wipe out any source for replacement of Music Files. There is risk involved dealing with an etheral Format like Music Files. Even if I were wrong, TWO
Formats (Not One) would reduce the risk to the Consumer/ Music Lover. This is not to even mention the usual Ills that affect Computers/ Music Files (Viruses, Malware, Defragmentation...etc...etc...etc). You want me to live wrecklessly with my Music based on a single fragile Audio Format? I say two heads are better than one (Did I.Q.'s just drop sharply on the practical application of this Knowledge, and Wisdom?). In any event, one Adult to another, who here has the right to force anyone to take additional risk on their personal buying choices? Atleast I support a choice, you propose only one. Maybe I am just a fruitcake Audiophile, but numerous Format sources of my favorite Music is my best back-up. Back-up Hard Drive just
another Life Preserver with the same holes in it (Succeptibility) as the original Hard Drive. They are the same mechanism. My goal isn't to dismiss Computer Audio (Something implied that I never CLAIMED), but that Computer Audio- and CD seem to work pretty well together. I am just not willing to bet the Farm on either/or. Not thoughts, or information- just some plain stubborn American Common Sense. Give me something (Or Two) that is robust enough for me to rely upon (For My Music). You can keep the intellectual exercise, I am just a fool who likes listening to Music. You want to limit me on this...WHY???
Your facts have come up short on adequate explanation for this, atleast certainly to my satisfaction. You demand that I make a sacrifice where one isn't necessary, like cutting off your nose to spite your face! IT-MAKES-NO-SENSE! Endless factoids won't fill that vacuum. Nice piece of info though, now lets try some practical application- where does one Audio Format alone have the benefit of that same Format plus another? As you have said, "Everything Physical can be destroyed". That goes for both Formats. This seems to make an arguement for keeping both Formats around. Your single Format benefits who, and for what???
It only imposes more limitations on those who listen to Music, as if a limitation is a benefit (2 - 2 = 4) Your 4 is only an imaginary benefit like Computer Audio. Check your Math again. Not interested in using your Math-Sorry!
The result is actually 0, which leaves me short on my music. Not interested in "Shell Games", where it comes to reducing my Music Selection. I don't see Downloadable Music Files increasing by ten-thousand, to replace the dwindling ten-thousand CDs now out of print. Who should go without their Music while we move toward a single Audio Format (Don't say MP3)? Maybe is not the fragility of Computer Audio that is the issue, maybe it is the execution (CD/Lack of Music Selection) of it taking over. No logical reason to take a hit on Music Selection during a Format turnover- NO REASON WHAT SO EVER! You haven't got the selection to take over anything- EGADS! KEEP WORKING ON IT! Computer Audio still not good enough- N-A-A-A-H-H-H, what else have you got?

Thank you for your thoughts and information.

A lot of discussion here brings to mind what an ambassador once said about his role in the Middle East and the emails he received for his work. It goes something like this:

"Instant access to information does not mean instant access to knowledge, much less wisdom. In the past, information was integrated with experience. Today, it is integrated with emotion. Digital technology has played an important role in fostering this atmosphere of bad manners, vicious personal attacks, intolerance and disrespect. Bullying has gone viral."

This is not to say that anyone here has gone THAT far but one can see where anonymity gives rise to unrestrained modes of thinking.

All the best,
No one has even challenged my premiss of Hard Drives being the equivalent of "Cassette Tapes on Disks with magnetic particles of 1's and 0's". Does this mean that you all agree with it? If so, the same threats to magnetic flux based Cassette Tape still remain the same threats to Hard Drives.

Your concern about magnets and hard drives is misplaced, PettyOfficer, for two reasons. I'm happy to discuss them here.

1) Digital files can be stored on any medium you choose, PettyOfficer. A number of digital storage mediums are impervious to being Degaussed and suffering data loss. USB drives and solid state disks are both common formats which would survive your theoretical "gigantic magnet" test.

2) Hard Drive degaussing requires prolonged exposure to electromagnets that weigh more than you can carry and require a connection to an electrical socket. Those magnets are not only *incredibly* powerful, but they are designed to produce a very specialized field for the sole purpose of erasing a hard drives. Normal magnets, even "gigantic" magnets, won't do the trick without really prolonged exposure, upwards of 30 minutes. Unless you simply leave your hard drives lying around next to your computer case, this is unlikely enough a situation as to be practically impossible.

Hard drives are not cassette tapes. Not all magnets (or magnetic storage devices) are created equal.

Really, any scenario where my drives are exposed to a giant magnet powerful enough to erase them is no more likely than my disks being exposed to an open fire capable of melting them. Everything physical can be destroyed.

For comparison, I work for the Department of State. My office routinely deals in information classified at a TS/SCI level, which is literally as crucial as data could possibly be. That data is safely stored on magnetic hard drives.

Still, no one will even try to answer why there is no replacement guarantee on Music Files if anything should happen to them. Give me the logic and reason behind that!

Also not so. I am happy to relieve you of this fear as well. iTunes (for example) will allow you to download any of your purchases numerous times. Amazon does the same, as does BandCamp, 7digital, and countless others.

More to the point, though, who is providing you with a guarantee on your CDs? We've already established that Hard Disks are as safe as CDs for storing data, but should my hard drive be destroyed by, say, a natural disaster, I could retrieve all my data from a cloud backup or re-download it from the store where I bought it. Could you take your story and a hand-written list of albums you lost to a Tower Records and expect the same?

If you can provide any evidence that hard disks are susceptible to magnetic erasure (degaussing) that I didn't find, do so here. Otherwise, you're making an assertion you now know to be untrue.
The primary concern about CD logevity, so far, has not been realized. Before CD, there was actually the video laser disc. The disc is a sandwich of plastic with a metal layer in between. That layer of aluminum could corrode if exposed to air. With a lot of the laser discs, the gluing of the plastic layers was not perfect and air managed to work its way into the sandwich and oxide the aluminum. This was referred to as laser rot. I saw the result with quite a few laser discs. The CD is made differently and very few have suffered from such oxidation problems. I think that CDs are quite robust.

SSD may help if you are worried. I am sure the magnetic drive will last long enough to be backed up.

I was under the impression that CDs if kept under the correct conditions were said to last 25years. This may refer to the writable ones though. Although I did read that the early CDs could start to flake after a while. If memory serves it was due to the type of black print used on the label side. Anyone else remember that?
Pettyofficer is probably right about the magnetic formats, we all know how bad those ancient real to real tapes sound.... Sorry, petty doesn't want to discuss the stone age. Better not mention SSD drives
Most of your arguements contain alot of emotion, but a little short on logic- and reason.

Now that's the pot calling the kettle black!!!!!!
Sorry to interupt this mutual admiration society. Most of your arguements contain alot of emotion, but a little short on logic- and reason. No one has even challenged my premiss of Hard Drives being the equivalent of "Cassette Tapes on Disks with magnetic particles of 1's and 0's". Does this mean that you all agree with it? If so, the same threats to magnetic flux based Cassette Tape still remain the same threats to Hard Drives. Stick a gigantic magnet next to your Hard Drive, or a collection of Cassette Tapes!
This will wipe both of them out. It certainly won't be an improvement! If you all disagree with my premiss, then give me the alternate logic and reason based on real World
Physics. CDs lasted too long to make an adequate profit for the Music Companies (Too Long?). Back comes a disposable magnetic based Audio Format (Fragile, Fragile,
Fragile)= !BOOM! PROFIT! Happy days are here again, the
disposable magnetic format (Cassette Tape) is back!
Still, no one will even try to answer why there is no replacement guarantee on Music Files if anything should happen to them. Give me the logic and reason behind that! I
say it is because they expect YOU to have to replace those
Music Files many times over= MORE PROFIT! How can you claim to appreciate diversity in Music, while promoting the
elimination of diversity in Music Formats? Your arguements are very emotional, but your logic (and Reason) still adds up to Buttcuss! Lasers beat magnetic flux, it isn't even
arguementative. Yet, I will see half a dozen responses arguing to death the opposite. Are you trying to convince me, or yourself! You are obviously failing at both. Where
is the Math, where are the Physics, where is the Sound Quality, where is the Selection, where is the Music (besides MP3), and where are your heads- besides in a very dark place? With Computer Audio you haven't got it! Convenience won't compensate for "EVERYTHING ELSE" that goes into an Audio Format. Screw the American Public for thinking otherwise- this will simply not make it true! Time to wake up now as the Magnetic Flux continues to "BLEED". We have a "BLEEDING" Audio Format now? Ain't that special? Put a tornequette on it, and stuff it! CD is
the only adequatte tornequette for magnetically based Music Files. Try going without a tornequette, and you will just bleed to death. Give me an Audio Format that will "Live" a little longer than that! I vote ZERO confidence in any magnetically based Audio Format. Look where all of the Audio Cassettes are now, end of arguement.
Master Analog Tapes fairing a little better, but not by much. Magnetic Music Files, Magnetic Cassette Tapes! Flintstones....we're the Flintstones...! Tired of repeating the "STONE AGE" again on Audio Formats! The only thing that will get us beyond the Stone Age is Quality, Quality, Quality. You want convenience stick with playing with Pet Rocks. You can bang them together for your Music if you want- REAL CONVENIENT! Never mind the Lazer passing overhead.
Thank you Calloway. Although I am not sure I understand your punctuation. "chadeffect..i wouldn't throw too many..."

Why the two full stops after chadeffect?

And surely the "i" should be a capital letter?

How is the glass at your place?
chadeffect..i wouldn't throw too many 'stones in your glass house' if i were you with regard to the 'english language'...'MP3s you love to bring up.' not a sentence....'Incase' 2 words not 1...and 'convienience' is spelled convenience...
I admire you, PettyOfficer, even if I do not agree with you.

I can picture your father, twenty years ago, decrying the "death" of the LP. "I'll buy your silver discs when they weigh 180 grams", he would say. "Where will you be when this "laser" dies on you? I'll take a good MC cartridge THANK YOU". "Perfect sound forever? How about good sound right now!"

Of course, the CD did not kill music, nor has the Internet. For every CD that goes "out of print", two more spring up. Plus, you can buy the old ones on eBay!

I don't see it happening the way you do. I don't see this lack of choice, and I don't see a slippery slope to expensive garbage. I am definitely no more afraid of magnets or solar flares than you should be of bit rot.

I see a wonderful future where enthusiasts record classical music and Patricia Barber with equal care and meticulous microphones, and where you can get those recordings the next day. Also, at the same time, Latvian rappers can make a demo riding the bus to their dishwashing job and I can have that too. I appreciate diversity of formats and diversity of mastering interpretations those formats make possible, but more than anything I appreciate diversity of MUSIC.

I honestly do not think that the death of XRCD will result in any fewer choices, lower quality, greater risk or higher prices. It is the result of people moving to a better format. Down with silver discs, lets listen to music directly!
Dear Pettyofficer,

We don't need a professor to teach basic English. Although I am wondering if we need a highly qualified professor in psychology to work out what your angle is?

Your above post and its issues have been answered so many times now.

MP3s you love to bring up. This argument has been answered. Zzzzzzz. Incase you forgot MP3 is about convienience and maximum storage. Not audiophile needs. There are many more advanced data files for that, some lossless and others with more modern data compression algorithms . You have the choice and can always keep your full bandwidth music stored.

As for HDs and their vulnerabilities? So far we have survived. So I can assume you will be able to playback music with HDs for quite some time. Magnetic or otherwise.

Greed and profit? Market? Which country do you live in? Is it the one that has no concept of profit or markets?

Robbed? We are all robbed on some level. Take a look at world history. Most countries were built on it. This is not about a format.

Ever wondered why back in history the British navy was so powerful? Huge chunks of it were paid for by robbing the Spanish gold which they in turn stole from South America. The British went on to build an empire and power their industrial revolution. Shall we move closer to our life time? Who is paying for the 2008 Bank crash? Robbed indeed.

And yes you do pay for the air you breathe. It's paid for by those who went before you (around 2-3 billion years of bacteria and photosynthetic organisms on earth) and also paid for by the eventual break down and decline of your own body. Oxygen is dangerous stuff. It's highly reactive.

Nothing is forever PettyO (except maybe this thread!)
Chadeffect- I thought this was an AUDIO Format, not LESSONS ON THE WRITTEN ENGLISH Format. If I want English Lessons I will be talking to an English Professor, not YOU Professor. You would make a lousy English Teacher, stick to your day job- we will all be safer.
Mapman- Never have I been so misunderstood. I concider a Laser a step up from magnetic particles of 1's, and 0's. Not to mention how fragile, and vulnerable those magnetic particles are to magnetic flux. A Cassette Tape in Disk Format with magnetic 1's, and 0's- sounds really nostalgic to me. Do you need a map to step up to Lasers? Cassette tapes suck because they are so fragile, and highly vulnerable. DITTO IN SPADES for Hard Drives (And Back-ups)
for the exact same reasons. Same Laws of Physics still applies for both. Cassettes are disposable, Ditto for Magnetic Music Files!
Edorr- perfect attitude that encompasses the direction that Computer Audio is going. As Audiophiles, let's embrace MP3 at a portion of the resolution of CD. If Manufacturer's want us to buy a New Format at a portion of the resolution of MP3, lets embrace that too! Lets endlessly repeat this exercise, TO WHAT END? Really, is there no bottom here? Spend your monthly paycheck for a few beans of sound quality? Beans that are "Soon To Be Available", so you are left eating dirt! Someone will get rich on this FOR SURE! It ain't going to be you getting rich on Sound Quality, or Selection.
You may think that you are better off today in terms of Music Selection, and Sound Quality. It is an illusion.
Music Files are extremely vulnerable- that is certain. Do you have a replacement should anything happen to thousands of Music Files stored on your Hard Drive (Back-up just as vulnerable). In a Magnetic Storm of a Solar Flare, I suggest your ONLY viable back-up will be a CD. Who would have thunk it? Powerlines can be replaced, even CD Players can be replaced. Who pays for your unretrievable magnetically based Music Files? You do, or you simply do without them. They are, after all, designed to be disposable. Why should it be such a big shock at how vulnerable they are? STILL, there is no money back guarantee should you lose them- WHY? What do they know that you don't? They know HOW TO MAKE MONEY! Law of Conservation, make money from where? From YOU, of course.
At what expense? At the expense of Sound Quality. You are paying a fortune for a house of straw (Computer Audio Format). What can I say, Houses of Straw are certainly "CONVENIENT". They just weren't made to last. That is what's so "INCONVENIENT" about them. What makes them so "PROFITABLE", is the appearance of "CONVENIENCE".
An Audio Format based on fragile magnetic 1's, and 0's is an illusion of Sound Quality, Selection, and Convenience. It is a house of straw not made to last. Only thing nostalgic is Greed, and Profit. CD's cost many times more to produce than downloaded Music Files, and the price is the same or higher? Me thinks someone is being robbed blind here! You certainly have alot to talk about, so I will leave you alone now. Pet Rocks, Downloaded Music Files- what's the next fad to make someone a millionare? Should I be forced to pay for the air that I breath-NUTS!
I have to draw the line...SOMEWHERE! Where do you draw the line on Sound Quality, or the quality of anything? Are the majority of the American Public not interested in the quality of ANYTHING? Sounds like a VERY lucrative, and profit making Market. Yet, the Economy still sucks. Have you figured it out yet??? Maybe someday you will if it is NOT too late, and you still have a job! If you don't, then the answer should be very obvious. Your former Employer thought that the buying American Public wasn't interested in purchasing the high quality that you provided. Someday,
I pray, we will learn. Have YOU learned anything yet?
I share Pettyofficers frustration about CDs no longer in print. However, this phenomenon has nothing to do with the emergence of downloadable music (in my case - I have been trying to get my hands on some Munir Bashir releases). These are simply exotic titles that don't make the publisher any money running an new batch to produce. With or without downloads, these titles would be gone on physical CD media.

If anything, some of these unavailable titles CAN still be downloaded as MP3. Without downloads there would have been NOTHING.
I think Petty is one of those nostalgia lovers that just yearns for the "good old days". I can understand that to a certain extent and share that fondness to a certain degree. My wife is even more that way. We live in a Victorian styled (but modern) house for God's Sake.

But fact is I am better off than ever today both in terms of music selection (of which I already have a backlog to listen to that will probably take years) and sound quality. I can't complain based on anything having to do with reality. Best to embrace the future and move on. That's the best way to help ensure a better tomorrow....I think.

zzzzzzz. Get a grip and stop smoking whatever it is that makes you crazy!

For gods sake learn to write in paragraphs. If you are worried about the loss of CDs I'm concerned about the loss of the use of written English.

Multichannel downloads hahaha. DXD? We have done this conversation.

Whatever you actually want as your "format" when that sun activity kicks off you will have no power anyway. So you may as well give up.
Been to Amazon, Silver Platters, Elusive Disk, Best Buy.....etc,etc,etc- many times over!!! Same thing still applies from all of these sources. What part of "NO LONGER
IN PRINT" doesn't everyone understand? There are close to
ten thousand CDs that are "No Longer In Print", based from all of these sources. About a hundred new releases of NEW MUSIC that are not going to be offered on CD. The issue,
Dear Timlub, is that there now exists a selection vacuum with missing CD selection, and missing Download selection.
Thanks alot for the Music Selection Vacuum. Thanks alot for not waiting until there was adequate Download Music Selection before pulling the plug on CD. Someone is not going to be able to listen to their Music tonight, because it is not available on CD- or as a Download. You just don't get it! You don't eliminate the Old Format until the New Format has adequate Music Selection first. This will be the first time that we are switching Audio Formats where the new Audio Format Music Selection remains "Soon To Be Available" as the availability in the Old Format is GONE! We have never done it this way before in the history of switching Audio Formats, and for good reason. What is the reason for doing it this way now? I thought that we were Adults here, and over premature.......ANYTHING! Are we just getting a little too excited, and eager here? Are we just a little too impatient? Getting a little tired of riding this whirlwind of chaos. Can't even agree on a standard for this Format, it is all over the map! Like
premature...ANYTHING, IT JUST LEAVES A MESS! Yuck! You made it, you clean it up! I am just tired of the mess, and living without Music! Sow your Wildoats someplace else, and watch your aim. DXD, MLP, XRCD, 32-Bit, 24/96, 24/192 will be gone from Disk with no new releases. Only 24/96,
24/192....etc will be available as Downloads. No multi-channel 24/96- 24/192 currently available as Downloads. No
DXD, No MLP, No XRCD, No 32-Bit, No Multi-channel available as Downloads. S-O-O...S-A-D!!! Can you RIP a MLP
Disk, Timlub? Are you going to need special Software for that too??? Cassette Disks with magnetic 1's and 0's, didn't we used to use Lazers? "Flintstones...we're the
WMP is REALLY easy, sounds good, and my cd's (except sacd's)are mostly in boxes waiting if they are needed again. What's the problem, other than of course always searching for better sound?
Petty, how about we come up with a deal, you buy me my downloads and I'll rip em for you for free. Everyone is happy!
Finally, Problem solved
What Mapman says is true. Stores used to supply with all manner of CDs. Some even had listening facilities. Then, POOF! it all went away, didn't it?

Appearances are deceiving but Amazon and sites that are dedicated to niche tastes are out there and very easy to access. Admittedly it was nice to peruse the rows of CDs and put on some headphones to listen. Doing it by PC isn't as convenient because you could see more at a glance the old way, taking it all in. You could roam around, continent to continent, genre to genre in an analog fashion. Continuous, varying intake is what we're wired to do.

Maybe some of us (is that you know who?) actually resent the loss of this activity, the natural task, the way it was. I know I do but I won't throw my hands up in the air and decry the situation. I've had my moment of grief when Borders shut down their rows of CDs and headphones. I'm over it.

Just more due diligence is needed to seek out what you want. That's all.

All the best,
I do not notice any shortage of CDs to buy. You might have to look in places other than traditional store outlets, like, to find them though. Current situtation may be better than ever, assuming buying from Internet sources is not taboo. I can easily buy almost any CD I want at a touch of a button today. USed to be I had to travel all over creation for hard to find titles and success was not a guarantee.
Timlub- I don't know how many times that I have said it! Save the Silver Disk Format along with the Downloads. Ten thousand CDs being out-of-print, and no longer available.
Can you say "Last Nail In The Coffin"? Write to the Companies who are doing this? Forcing us to buy the Downloads by eliminating the CDs? Buying disposable "Convenient" Music Files, as if buying anything disposable isn't a Manufacturer Profit motivating exercise? Why don't they offer a Music File replacement guarantee if anything should happen to your Music Files? Is it because, like Thieves, they know where the money is? You would trust them with your Bank Account Number, along with your valuable Music? My OPINION is to keep CD (MLP, XRCD, DXD...etc) around so as to provide Consumer LEVERAGE on Sound Quality from all of these Downloadable "THIEF-DOMS". You want to throw away any leverage I might have, put all of my eggs in one basket of a single downloadable Audio Format, without any alternative, force me to take risk with my valuable Music, hold my breath for more high resolution download selection, and accept the elimination of any high resolution alternative from Silver Disk? You want me to bet the Farm on a few beans of "Soon To Be Released" Sound Quality? I say that I need some insurance. You say "Give it up, and bite the bullet". Is this what YOU are trying to accomplish? I am bashing Computer Audio, and you are bashing me for doing so. You don't know the difference? Take another look at that long list above. What is "CONVENIENT" about any of it? I see the Consumer being thrown under a bus of a profit motivated single Audio Format. Z-E-R-O L-E-V-E-R-A-G-E for the Consumer in Sound Quality. Manufacturer's can just mop up with ever lower Sound Quality for cheaper Downloads at an ever increasing price- boom "$$$PROFITS$$$"! Step down from being an Audiophile? No Sir, we don't agree at all! You are trying to help Manufacturer's do this? You are not helping me at all by throwing me under a bus. Yes, I am NOT afraid to stand up to you TO MAKE a difference. I am not stopping you from listening to Computer Audio. Wish that I could say the same towards me, and Silver Disks. You show me the necessity for doing this, and not once have you addressed it. Changing Formats exclusively, is a big move. How about explaining the necessity for it this time, if Sound Quality isn't the necessity? Profit? Certainly NOT the Consumers Profit! Format Competition, not convenience, is the Mother of Consumer benefit in quality. My bread is buttered on the side of Sound Quality, not sacrificing it for Manufacturer Profit/Convenience. How about you? Ahhhh...Nuts! Don't waste your time answering that! You are trying to dictate to me how I should be allowed to listen to my Music, no matter how well you try to sweeten it. WRONG on so many levels!!! I know it, and you know it- enough of the B.S.!
Petty......Really, what are you trying to convince all of us to do??? You know we are all happy in our computer worlds. Why can't you just listen to your umpteen formats happily and let us listen through our computers without feeling the need to bash computer audio and for that matter, all of us that listen through a computer. I just don't understand what you are trying to accomplish. Please write all of your rants to companies that can do something about it. We have all heard what you have to say, you've heard our how much we agree. Take it somewhere to make a difference and please stop bashing here, where we can't help you. Tim
No assalt rifles, Devilboy; but, you are still "Going To Have To Pry my CDs From My Dead Hands"! Really, I kid; but has it seriously come to this? You are kidding, right?
"Solar Flares Aside"? Have you forgotten how extremely suseptible those FRAGILE magnetic Hard Drives are to large magnets? First thing to fry will be the Hard Drives during a severe enough Solar Flare. Power Grid will go after all of the Computers controlling it go blank! CDs being affected, I don't see it. CD Player fried, Power fried, these things can be replaced. Music Files stored on your Hard to replace. My Stump can tell me when the last severe Solar Storm was, just look at the rings. Radiation retards growth. Sorry,
my Stump tells me just how rediculously F-R-A-G-I-L-E those so-called "CONVENIENT" magnetic particle based Music Files really are. It is the Cassette Tape all over again. Let them sit around long enough, and the magnetic flux just bleeds right off of them. This is Physics, Math, Science, Entropy, and Experience- not crazy rants. Fragmentation is real, Music Files are "CONVENIENTLY" disposable Music Trash. Sort of like the disposable lighter, and the disposable cassette. So long as you have a steady supply of replacements- no problem. You lose that your screwed. Same Magnetic Flux wipes Hard Drive, will certainly wipe your Back-up Hard Drive. Whoaaa- two Hard Drives at once, how CONVENIENT! Don't you guys ever watch BURN NOTICE? Micheal sneeks into a hotel room, and wipes the entire memory off of a Laptop just by swiping it with a powerful magnet. How about the Computer Geek from THE CORE? F.B.I. is knocking at his door, he is trying to destroy evidence. He wipes the memory of multiple Computers by swiping them with a powerful Magnet. You guys sold this "convenient" LEMON to the American Public as a place to store their valuable Music??? I have a Stump you can hide under. Hate to be you if American Public ever finds out first hand. You two will have ALOT to talk about (Along With Microsoft). I will just be on my way. I will be busy looking at the pretty sky. I don't think that you will enjoy it as much. There has just got to be a special place in Hell for those who steal someone else's Music/ Music Format- you think? You will be so busy shaking hands with so many friends there, you won't have time to worry about it. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Guys!
PettyOfficer, I really can't see any real truth or facts in your arguments.

As I see PC audio, it is a diy bolt together hobby for the keen audiophiles.
NO manufacturer like Apple or Del will ever produce what you are claiming should exist. It is our hobby, it is small town, 1% of the population if that.

Lets face it, our hobby is the same. You go out, buy a DAC, AMP, SPEAKERS, love em or hate em, and sell, and we go round again.

Now with PC audio, we buy a PC (no surprise that one). Then we buy a connection lead or USB convertor, whoa, that's technical! Then we buy a DAC thingy, hey I'm getting scared now... and then we hook the whole thing up to, yes you guessed it - an amp and a speaker!

So, let's rewind here. What was the problem? Oh, the virus thing, the software thing, the hard disc thing, the network thing. Like, how many in the real world can avoid those things. Deal with a bank, get a loan, apply for a job, plan your holiday, can ANY of those things be done WITHOUT a computer nowadays.

In my view being a Mac user since the first Mac commercially available, the set up is for chimps. If you want a real brain drain, and bugs and viruses, or badly designed software (I am talking system software and Office suits), buy a windows box!

The Mac hardware is SO CHEAP. Come on guys, you are spending more on interconnects, a bit of wire. A Mac Mini with Quad Core and SSD that can run a TV, stream music, play games better than an X-Box AND do your accounting on, hey it's a GIFT.

So, lets stop beefing, and lets enjoy the journey. Isn't that why we are on this forum, why we buy this stuff and build hifi kits ect. It the love of doing it. The software is also cheap, the massive external drives are cheaper than ever. It's potentially a cheaper route to audio bliss, way cheaper than Esoteric CDPs and fancy 2k interconnects.
I sorely resisted copying and pasting some relevant points on solar flares and what they can do if big enough and Chadeffect pretty much summed it up: anything large enough to affect our PC sound sources will pretty much fry everything else, so listening through our PC sourced systems will be the least of our worries.

I'm also a bit jealous at the thought that PO has a stump to argue with and all I have are some shrubs and low laying vegetation. A stump is stout and steadfast, refusing to budge, while a shrub is lithe and open to change.

All the best,
Oh Petty, how I enjoy you crazy rants. Solar flares aside (in which obviously you would have no power let a lone audio!) all s well.

Before getting you into digital HD streaming, I hope I can encourage you into the use of paragraphs and punctuation.
I'd be willing to bet big money that PO has a stump in his back yard that he argues with on a daily basis !!!!
Sure I knew the Audio God. You killed him and replaced him with Microsoft. The Old Audio God was concerned about Music, and Music Sound Quality. The New one, Microsoft, ugh....what's their concern about Music Sound Quality???
Z-E-R-O interest in Research, or Development in Computer based Music Sound Quality. Microsoft can give a farthing about anything Music. They are Video/Apps./Computer Gaming Gods. THAT is where a 100% of their profit is. Music just takes away from their Profits. You don't have ANY MANUFACTURER doing development/research in advancing Operating Systems for the improvement in Computer Audio. Without it, your Format is dead in the water! In comparison
please reference all of the manufacturing research/ development in other Audio Formats. In comparison, Microsoft just rolls over and plays dead with Computer Audio. Neat Trick, but you can't use THIS to establish an Audio Format to replace all others. Microsoft is your Formats ball, and chain- and they aren't movin! No research/no development = dead Audio Format! It is simple numbers now, just do the math. Computer Audio will always come up short without Manufacturers support. Don't blame me! Take it up with your New Audio God (Microsoft) that doesn't want to be an Audio God. They don't like Music, don't want to sell it, and don't want to develop it. I fail to see ANY Computer Audio Format in this vacuum, more or less one to replace all other Audio Formats. It doesn't even qualify as an Audio Format. I ask "What Is It Then?", before I buy it! You just want to shove it down my throat regardless if I buy it, or not. I am not buying the "Pet Rock" version of Computer Audio from nothing more than a bunch of enthusiasts. Is this what our Music has come to? S-O-O...S-A-D!!!!! Give me a REAL Audio Format based solely on Music Quality, otherwise what is the point?
As Petty Officer, I'd like to wish EVERYONE a Merry Christmas also, but I don't celebrate it for the Microsoft God, just the one.... you know Christ...mas

I wonder if he knows the Audio God?