Should Amps be plugged into a power conditioner?


After reading about the amplifier hum, it was mentioned that some knowledgeable people say NOT to plug an amp into a power conditioner. Plug it directly into a wall outlet. Thankfully, I do not have a hum issue, but am curious as to what others say about where to plug your amp into. 

Thank you!


Dedicated line from panel to amp. Everything else goes into the power conditioner. After experimenting, this arrangement has worked best for me…. Just sayin’

For whatever it's worth, in my experience with my Parasound Halo a21+, plugging it directly into the wall or into my Black Lion PG2R conditioner/regulator dedicated power amp section has resulted in no significant improvement. Furthermore, other tweaks made on this specific amp has resulted in no significant improvement, like Patrick Cullen PC and purple fuse. However, the PCs and fuses upgrades have had very significant improvements on all my digital gear. Point being, you always have to find these things out for yourself with your particular system in your listening environment. There is unfortunately no shortcut.

All of my components are plugged into my MPC1500. C2700, MC611's, MCD600,MP1100. I have never had any issues. The MPC1500 has both switched and unstitched outlets available. When there is the threat of storms in the area which is frequently this time of year, I unplug the MPC1500. 

@ghdprentice  did it also shrink the sound stage? What about tonal balance? How about rhythm  and pace? Tone? 


Do you use any of the hifi  receptacles or the hifi  plugs? 



Current delivery and immediacy seems to be the defining point. At least in my system anyway. I was plugging my amp directly into a high quality outlet to much better effect (another important thing to consider btw), until I got a good deal on a used Chang Lightspeed power bar and filter that touted “unlimited current”.
With that in place and everything plugged into it, literally no difference than plugging the amp straight into the wall in terms of dynamics and scale. But a slight improvement on background there from what I can tell.