Settings For pro-ject Tubebox DS

Hi I have a rega planer 5 with a Exact cartridge, its a high output cartridge 6.8-7.2 mV. I am using the pro-ject tubebox DS, does anyone know what settings  to use for this cart ,the manual is not much help, it has a subsonic filter and does not explain when to use or not to use, what db 40 or 50 pF settings, any help would be appreciated, Thanks, Lloyd
the manual can be confusing.  
use the rumble filter if your bass is somewhat loose sounding compared to your other sources.  i used it when i had the TBDS - bass sounded better- slightly tighter and more impact.

What's not clear?

I had a  P5 years ago. Fun table stock, better with a couple mods.
Exact cartridge uses the lowest gain setting- 47K loading. Pretty much the go to setting for most MM carts. Rumble filter(subsonic) will prevent to speaker cone seizure when cranking the volume.

As the last paragraph states of the manual states-"experimenting cannot destroy anything when experimenting with different settings"
"what YOU like best is right" Trust your ears.