Seperate phono stage v.s. step up transformer

Fellow analog lovers help me with this dilemma. I have a Teres 265 turntable with a Graham 2.2 arm and a Lyra Helikon cartirdge. I just purchased a new preamp that has a terrific phono stage but, its' sensitivity is 2mV @47Kohms and the Lyra cartridge is only 0.22mV.
So I have 3 choices, get a new cartridge, get a seperate phono stage, or a step up transformer.
What would those of you with more experience in these things do? If it is change cartridge, which one? If seperate phono stage, which one? If a step up transformer can be used without sacrificing any detail, dynamics, etc. which one?
Thanks ahead of time to any of you that answer these questions.
He's baaaack! As I obviously know nothing of step-ups and phonocorrectors, I shall defer to the all-knowing above.
I know Doug, but I don't post here as often as in the past and coming here and finding this creep again is repugnant. He is probably best ignored, but I WILL call him to the scratching post when he goes beyond his usual attacks on products and expands his venom to people here. Few ever seem to have the balls to tell him exactly what he is for fear of expulsion, themselves. I have no such fear.

Romy - You can't now and never will be able to educate ANYONE - not because they are too primitive for YOU - but because you are totally clueless yourself and only speak negatively, about people and about products. Yes, you ridicule, and that's basically all you do, likely from a position rooted in your own inferiority complex for which you should, I suppose, be pitied. Nothing constructive, just "garbage out". Don't use what Romy uses - Romy will tell you that product is crap. Don't believe what Romy believes - Romy will tell you that you are a poor, ignorant fool.

You know, you also once again tip your hand. Isn't it amazing how your english writing skills improve ten fold when someone gets under your fur? You sir (and I use the term lightly) are a charlatan and (oh, and please let me spell it our for you)an I D I O T. You've been tossed and unwanted from AA and are most universally unwanted here. Now, GIT!

I have now spoken my last on the topic lest I overly bore the good people here with tedious bickering.
”I have now spoken my last on the topic …”

And what was the subject of the topic:

a) Advantage/disadvantage of transformer vs. active stage, the subject about which you have no experience, authority or knowledge
b) Blaming Romy that he is an idiot because, now and before, he considered your comments being totally bogus

Look, Audio is a complex and very serious thing, believe you or not, but there are people out there for whom audio is not only to prioritize the leadership of the audio products, built the justification for purchasing selection or kiss the stinky asses of the different manufactures with an objective earn some better accommodation or the first listening row-chair at CES.

My, disregarding of YOU, as even prospective valuable opponent, is based on my deep familiarity with this particular and with many other subjects when you was trying to express reference-like but very questionable (not to sat wrong) opinion, and with my understanding of the primitivism of the motivation and reference point that derived you. I intentionally do not bring the counterargument because I do not want to compete with but only to point out the methodological idiotism of your thinking pattern.

You might be angry; you might call to the moderator to delete my replies (but preserving you allegations – the cheap method that you usually use); you might do whatever make you happy but it will not change the foundation of the arrangement: you are a blind, deceived and ignorant jerks who is willing to vandalized and to destroy whatever is higher then your level of comprehending to preserve your own ego and your own status.

As far as your deep confidence about your own “superiority” - be very quite with it: I have personally met the majority of the internet-present “audio-intelligence” and tell you honestly that I was feeling a strong temptations to vomit after 5 minutes of conversation. The same was applicable when I heard their listening rooms.

So, the very next time when you decide once again to “evaluate Romy” ask yourself: are you fight with Romy or with your own necessity to believe in his idiotism.

Regrettably for you, you did not demonstrate so far any intellectual, audio or spiritual capacities to ignite any Romy’s interest. Therefore, the fearful unfortunate, die with your pathetic secret.

Romy the Cat
OK, I will happily break my "last to say on the subject". I, and others, have offered suggestions to the poster. You have offered the poster nothing except to disparage those with whom you disagree (your usual tact). No counter suggestion for that person who seeks help - nothing. When you are challenged to do so, you throw out the TIRED "you are not on my level so you won't appreciate it anyway" crap. Fact is, you know little and have little to share. I could care less about CES or any of the manufacturers. You probably still try to attend those shows but get thrown out for being a loutish jerk (sound familiar?). I could also care less what any moderators think of my posts to you. You deserve anything you get, and if I get sanctioned, it is sanctions well spent.

Unlike you who has no idea of who I am or what is my experience, I have spoken with several who know YOU, Mr. Romy the Comrade in Boston. All affirm that you are as big of an ass in person as you are on these boards, have limited practical knowledge and experience of your own, and are basically a wannabe who doesn't have the brains or balls to be one. I dismiss you and your decidedly pseudo-intellect like a scratched LP.

Are you out of your mind? In the place when the barbarians like you delete each post that dose not support YOUR agenda you propose to find a valuable poster who value his/her own context. I am too familiar with your cheap, hypostatic tactics and too mach understand what stays behind your “diplomacy”

Regarding the rest, sweetheart, do not patronize me. I am very comfortable with who I am and put my understanding of audio, intellectual and life accomplishments against you and you-like ANYTIME. I know who and what hiding behind your implications and what agendas desperately trying to cash-out the chips of the “Romy-idiocy”.

Continue you cheap “play of public”.
Romy the Cat