Seperate phono stage v.s. step up transformer

Fellow analog lovers help me with this dilemma. I have a Teres 265 turntable with a Graham 2.2 arm and a Lyra Helikon cartirdge. I just purchased a new preamp that has a terrific phono stage but, its' sensitivity is 2mV @47Kohms and the Lyra cartridge is only 0.22mV.
So I have 3 choices, get a new cartridge, get a seperate phono stage, or a step up transformer.
What would those of you with more experience in these things do? If it is change cartridge, which one? If seperate phono stage, which one? If a step up transformer can be used without sacrificing any detail, dynamics, etc. which one?
Thanks ahead of time to any of you that answer these questions.

Showing 10 responses by 4yanx

You don't say what your great phono stage is, but if it is great, it would seem that a good step-up would be the way to go. The Helikon would not be my very first choice for a cartridge, but I don't think you'll find one any better that doesn't have significantly different output characteristics.
I have a custom phono stage built for me by Kevin at K & K. I also have great respect for John Chapman and the Bent products. I've heard nothing but good things about his step-up and I was very impressed with his passive pre which I used to own but which did not mesh with the rest of my system at the time.

I will say that the K&K is a superb unit that will equal or best anything up to $4K that I've heard (and includes quite a few). The phono stage is based on the 6n1p tube (two) - cheap and superior to the 6dj8/6922/7308 and many applications. Mine has the built-in Lundahl step-up (10dB extra gain) and it has four settings for MC (100, 300, 1K, and 47K Ohms) and two for MM (47K Ohm and 47K Ohm in parallel with 220pF). It runs QUIET within the volume range of any listening I'd ever do and sounds absolutely superb. Highly recommended and the best value I've ever purchased in audio.
Flatulent Feline Farts:
"Yes, considering the none of the replied have heard in the lived a any serious step-ups or any serious MC active phonocorrectors you have a lot of opportunity to get around here a qualified answer.

Good luck,
Romy the Cat"

I assume from that fakely garbled message that you are saying that none of us here are qualified to comment in answer to the poster's question. You, typically of course, submit this opinion and give no suggestions of your own. Either be helpful to this person and lay off the condescending crap (which might at least be tolerated if you actually knew something) or crawl back to your litter box.
I know Doug, but I don't post here as often as in the past and coming here and finding this creep again is repugnant. He is probably best ignored, but I WILL call him to the scratching post when he goes beyond his usual attacks on products and expands his venom to people here. Few ever seem to have the balls to tell him exactly what he is for fear of expulsion, themselves. I have no such fear.

Romy - You can't now and never will be able to educate ANYONE - not because they are too primitive for YOU - but because you are totally clueless yourself and only speak negatively, about people and about products. Yes, you ridicule, and that's basically all you do, likely from a position rooted in your own inferiority complex for which you should, I suppose, be pitied. Nothing constructive, just "garbage out". Don't use what Romy uses - Romy will tell you that product is crap. Don't believe what Romy believes - Romy will tell you that you are a poor, ignorant fool.

You know, you also once again tip your hand. Isn't it amazing how your english writing skills improve ten fold when someone gets under your fur? You sir (and I use the term lightly) are a charlatan and (oh, and please let me spell it our for you)an I D I O T. You've been tossed and unwanted from AA and are most universally unwanted here. Now, GIT!

I have now spoken my last on the topic lest I overly bore the good people here with tedious bickering.
Oooo, you have brains enough to do a forum search. I'm shocked. Why waste any time on the likes of you - inferior being as you clearly are in terms of intellect, morality, and even muscial taste. When and if you can ever drag yourself up to a point which allows you to engage in discourse at a level equivalent to a third-grader, let me know and I MIGHT have some fun with you. Otherwise, you remain an insufferable and pathetic loser and I'm afraid your low-grade intellect will rub off on the board. You're exposed Romy and you can't take it. Your very being insults me. You can have the last word, though, It will no doubt be as nintelligible as all of your posts.
Shame on you. And learn some English.

So how do YOU know my advice was bad. At least I have SOMETHING to offer. All you have, like Romy, is unsupported criticism. Talk about being all talk.
You are too funny and highly pathetic there Romy. No one is "behind" what I say, as much as that fails to play into your neurotic and paranoid conspiracy theories. Pitiful. Get half a clue, then come back. On second thought, just stay away.

BTW, I have nothing to do with post deletion on this site or others though I know you use that claim as yet another ruse to deflect the real issue of your inadequacy and in attempts to engender some strange sympathy for your bogus "us against them", "I'm so oppressed" nonsense. Let's face it, you've been exposed, you're mad, and you can't fool me. Live with it.
OK, I will happily break my "last to say on the subject". I, and others, have offered suggestions to the poster. You have offered the poster nothing except to disparage those with whom you disagree (your usual tact). No counter suggestion for that person who seeks help - nothing. When you are challenged to do so, you throw out the TIRED "you are not on my level so you won't appreciate it anyway" crap. Fact is, you know little and have little to share. I could care less about CES or any of the manufacturers. You probably still try to attend those shows but get thrown out for being a loutish jerk (sound familiar?). I could also care less what any moderators think of my posts to you. You deserve anything you get, and if I get sanctioned, it is sanctions well spent.

Unlike you who has no idea of who I am or what is my experience, I have spoken with several who know YOU, Mr. Romy the Comrade in Boston. All affirm that you are as big of an ass in person as you are on these boards, have limited practical knowledge and experience of your own, and are basically a wannabe who doesn't have the brains or balls to be one. I dismiss you and your decidedly pseudo-intellect like a scratched LP.
Tom (Twl) I know you're being sarcastic and I know you are not referring to me. For the other two "experts" I will say that Tom's reputation for having REAL knowledge and experience in the field of audio, AND a willingness to share it is beyond reproach. They (he) will never answer your question because they (he) has no real knowledge. To mask that fact, they (he) will only offer lame excuses as to why they won't (probably something to do with being superior and not being bothered to stoop to your level).

And let me ask you this Mr. Kevinkwann. How do you KNOW advice given here is wrong? You say "more listen". Have you HEARD the K & K? Have you HEARD the Bent? Have you HEARD the Cotter? Have you HEARD the Granite. I have, except for the Cotter, and many others. If you haven't, you have no business telling others that their advice is bad. If you HAVE heard them, WHY is suggesting them bad advice? WHAT would YOU suggest instead. Waiting for a constructive reply which I doubt will come.

Oh, surprise. In viewing your SIX other posts, they ALL have the same character as Romy's many. Same sarcastic. same critical with no support or alternatives. Same idiocy. Are you guys clones, both just as vile as the other, or maybe the same person?