Separate subwoofer amplifier with remote. What would work for stereo setup?

Hello all, 
What I'm looking for in the audio world is a dedicated stereo subwoofer amplifier for passive subs that offers remote control so I can adjust the volume from my listening position at will. An application so specific I'm not sure one exists. The subs will be Dayton Audio Reference HF 10" and are 350 watts RMS. Whether I get the 4 or 8 ohm model would depend on what I'm using to power them. 
What you want is the Dayton SA1000 sub amp. There is no stereo with subs. You can hook em up that way. You can position and pretend they are stereo. But it is all mono.

Eliminate the requirement for a remote and you are in like Flynn.
(If you are going to quote the Professor, should it not be jigawatts?)
Appreciate the input! 
And now that you pointed that out about my name I'm just gonna use the excuse that one_point_twenty_one_jigawatts was already taken. ;)
I hear ya. I had to use Paula Treides on ZH.  

But seriously, SA1000, totally the way to go.
Haha I'm just saying his hair in Dune is epic. That amp makes sense to use. Do you use any of the EQ functions or other settings to good effect? 
Check out the OSD Audio’s SMP500DSP or Velodyne SC-600D, both come with remote control.

I use a Velodyne SMS-1 connect to Sunfire stereo amp to power a pair of 15" passive sub.
There is no stereo with subs. You can hook em up that way. You can position and pretend they are stereo. But it is all mono.
Sorry not correct I have two subs, running stereo, each on the outside of my mains, they run individually off the line level left and right channels. You can clearly hear stereo subs when the recording dictates for it to be heard (especially orchestral works, tympani in back right channel double bass far right). CD has over 100dB of channel separation all the way down to 0hz.

Different story with vinyl, as it has at best only 30db chanel separation at 1khz, and almost no!! channel separation at 20hz (in other words mono)

Cheers George
Those are nice amps hififan thanks. Besides the flimsy speaker level plug connectors on the OSD which kinda baffles me.

Thanks for the info on stereo subs George. I didn't know that about vinyl playback. Very interesting.  Vinyl always seems to have the best sounding bass to me.