Sellers: When do you drop your price?

Selling my first piece of gear.  I've had a lot of views but no offers. It's been about 5 days. Great condition, 2 years old, offering about about 1/3rd off. No original box.

Perhaps all gear is particular, so if that's so, we can end this thread right here. But in case there's a general bit of advice, How long do you let an ad marinate before adjusting the price?

Showing 21 responses by hilde45

@afisher I'm shocked, shocked! How long has buying and selling worked this way? ;-)
I would really like to rate it eight and a half! So many people are making very good points and I think I'll just wait a little while and see what happens and then perhaps just drop the price and the rating a little bit. I truly believe it is an excellent shape but I see your points and I do want to sell it but I am not in a hurry. I appreciate you passing on your experience to me. I am not churning gear I am simply moving to a better amplifier, solid state.
Yogiboy -- good points. You're definitely not bursting my bubble. I'm starting at a higher price point because I think it's really a diamond in the rough. Those dual mono power supplies are pretty rare, and the company is kind of boutique-y but with a solid reputation. I will lower the price if it lags.

Thanks lalitk for the advice about the box.

Thanks elliot, I'll consider getting it further out there. And brightening the photos.

Thanks, jperry -- I especially don't want to mislead with the rating. Cosmetically and functionally it's in very close to perfect shape so that is why 8 seemed too low, but you make a good argument. Will probably adjust as you say.

@stereo5  My feelings aren't hurt. I appreciate knowing why you won't buy my gear and perhaps others will see things the way you do. If so, I'll drop the price and change the title. That's good advice. I will wait a while and see how it goes. Will try to update folks so they can see how they're predictions bear out. (Betting pool in 3...2...1...just kidding.)
@dill  Excellent! An oversight. Thanks!
@donvito Didn't mean to do that, just have not posted it here yet. My OP didn't include a link or mention of where I was selling it; you saw that, right?

@cmsgolf Thanks. There is no mark. That is likely a camera related issue. I will correct it. Thanks for taking a close look. The manual is a PDF. I can mention that. I understand what you've seen on hifi shark and it's a good point. I left myself room to be flexible, and didn't want to start it too low, but I think you've convinced me, as have others.

@willgolf I hear you, and think you're probably right, too. More good reasoning to drop the price.
Hard to keep up with all the advice but thanks.
I cannot get the original box.
I have gotten the repeated advice about 50%. Got it.
I have done research about past pricing and it varies a lot and there is not a statistically significant sample. The amp brand and quality are unusual but may tickle the fancy of the right buyer.
I have included a lot of information and reviews of the item.
I took Millercarbon's advice and lowered my price because of what he and others said. I had set the price too high — it wasn't unreasonable given the item but a bit off the mark. Now I'll wait.
I never said that I didn't want to sell the item here. I went first with a site I've used before and am comfortable with. Keep an eye out on AG for this wonderful piece, donvito. I'll make you a special offer.
5 days — I am patient and it is listed on AudioMart. @rushfan Your questions are answered earlier in this thread.
@sokogear Have not switched from tubes. Want a better SS amp to swap in/out with my tube preamp. Want a powerful enough SS amp so that if I want to try some electrostatics I have the power.
@dill That’s right. The seller originally had it listed at $1350 and I bargained for it because this was someone in my neighborhood and I made it very fast and easy for him. He wanted cash, fast for it. So, that's a factor. I guess we’ll see how it does at $1300. I am willing to wait.
Update: Sold it for $1300 (58% of retail), with buyer paying shipping. Super nice person, didn’t care about the box, manual, etc. Hadn’t heard of Atoll but liked my description in the ad and appreciated the information in the review linked to. Very satisfying experience.
Thank you. I really think the advice about dropping the price helped. I saw those comments piling up, re-did some research and found a price more in the ballpark, and one that I would pay for this amp. I appreciate the reality checks I get here, even though they sometimes come with a side dish of sandpaper.
@gano  you’ve never gotten a bargain? No one was forced to do anything they didn’t want to do. On what ethical grounds are you making an argument, if there is an argument there at all?
Others, am I bound to set my price based on what I paid? Did I do wrong, here? To me this is a ludicrous claim, but maybe I’m missing something. 
Yes, I agree with the last two comments. I am not a gear swapper and am not dishonest. I am not a profit seeker in this hobby. And even if I was, if there is no coercion or dishonesty, buyers have their freedom to do what they like. Many times on this forum, people have defended the right of buyers to spend whatever they like on equipment and for merchants to charge what the market will bear. $100k speakers? No moral argument against that as long as everyone is on the level. The fact that a sale takes place between hobbyists makes no difference at all.

FWIW, my wife recently bought a table at a thrift store for $100. She’s now seen it on multiple auction sites for $3500. By my critic’s logic, she should sell it for $100. If that’s not a reductio ad absurdum I don’t know what is.
Agree agree. Not to get too detailed about it, but I'm a he. Last time I checked. ;-)
Thank you for the explanation, gano. Someone with enough money bought my amplifier. Would it help you to know that I contribute more than the difference in price to charitable causes? Such as food banks and homeless organizations? I would say that from an ethical perspective, the money is doing much more good than it could for an audiophile. 
I still think the reasons about a fair and honest exchange are sufficient, but since you raised the ethical dimension, I addressed it. 
@gano  I’m interested in the reasoning behind your moral opinion. Please elaborate and let’s discuss. I’d like to know what’s behind your statement. I teach ethics and am interested. 
And just to be absolutely clear about what a non-genius I am, after fees, additional shipping I paid (to expedite to the buyer and make sure it was professionally double-boxed), I probably cleared $75. If I had priced it at what I bought it, I would have lost about $102. This is all marginal, piddly amounts. There are zero issues here. Cheers everyone. "Enjoy the music." Good advice, thanks.
@audioguy85  My unit was listed for 7 days at a price which was likely too high. Hours after I dropped the price it sold. In 8 days, I didn't get that much grayer, though I admit watching it sit there felt longer than it actually was! 

The other debate about selling and profit is one I'm comfortable to watch from the sidelines. It is a fairly deep topic, since it would encompass not just the sale of an audio device but any resources a person possesses. What do we owe each other, is the fundamental question at issue. There is a wide range of philosophical and spiritual belief systems meant to deal with this issue, and once some general principles are accepted, minor examples like selling gear or furniture are easily handled. Working back toward those general principles using small examples is (in my view) a wild goose chase.