Seeking advice on power conditioners/regenerators

I am wondering whether a power conditioner or regenerator would make a difference in my system, and if so what would you recommend in the "value" price category.
I have no idea if my power is "clean" or "dirty".  What I can say is I live in SoCal, my provider is SDG&E.  I have rooftop solar, panels made by Sunpower (with micro-inverters).  I am connected to the grid.
The components I have "plugged-in" are as follows:
Turntable power supply:  Linn Lingo II
Phono preamp:  PS Audio Stellar Phono
Integrated Amp:  Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated
CD Player:  Arcam CD23
Streamer:  Metrum Ambre
DAC:  Metrum Onyx

Thanks for your advice and recomendations.

Showing 1 response by wsrrsw

Yes. No. Maybe. Depends. 

We have poor power and for here an audioquest helped. 

Like so many say your ears will decide. 

Thrre’s a reason(s) so many mid to higher end systems treat power. It helps.