Schiit Mani 2

Schiit just released a successor to our favorite inexpensive phono pre-amp:

Some of the highlights include significantly better SN ratio and distortion levels compared to Mani v.1 and the following:

  • Gain: Choose 35, 45, 50, or 60dB of gain, for virtually any cartridge from Decca to low-output MC and MI models.
  • Loading: Choose 47KΩ, 200Ω, 47Ω, or 38Ω, and 47pF, 100pF, 150pF, or 200pF for virtually any MM, MC, or MI cartridge
  • LF Filter: Choose 6dB/octave or 12dB/octave of purely passive low-frequency filtering to help with warped records or other subsonic problems.

What do you think? are the better specs, rumble filer or loading settings enough to get you to upgrade?


I use the built-in MM phono pre-amp in my Rega Elicit-R. However, based on the review linked below, I would be buying this new Schiit Mani 2 if I needed a budget phono pre-amp. Seems like a tremendous value.


I have no experience with the Mani 1.  But I bought a Mani 2 for a family member as an upgrade to the built in phono pre on an Audiolab 6000A integrated.  Trying it in my own system with an AudioTechnica AT 150Sa MM cartridge and the Mani 2 totally cold out of the box, there is no denying it is a great phono pre for the money.  Detailed, fast, quiet, with a decent soundstage between the speakers.  And the bass is remarkably deep and accurate.  I would say the presentation is neutral, just presenting the facts.  

The Mani 2 is hands down the best deal in new budget audio gear I have seen.  Period.  Wonder how good it will be once it is run in a bit.  While I did not fiddle with different cartridges or settings, for use with a decent MM cart it is terrific.  Highly recommended.

Missed the original post of this thread.

I used the Mani 1. Great unit.

Looks like the current price hasn't been adjusted beyond ridiculous too. Good on Schiit Audio for making the Mani even "better."

"BEST" phono amp IMO up to....$3-500? Maybe more? Perfect for those not "all in" for a substancial LP playback setup.