Sansui TU-9900 vrs Magnum Dynalab MD-90T

Sound I upgrade my original FT-101 Dynalab tuner to the 90T(tube version). Or find a 35 year old Sansui TU-9900? Any thoughts? Thanks..
fwiw I own a Sansui TU919 and the tone is beautiful (a little full) with a nice soundstage and good detail, for lack of a better term, the presentation is enjoyable
I have an MR-78. I have owned the Sansui and it was every bit as good as the Mac. I sold because I don't listen to the radio anymore. If I were you I would get the Sansui. The Dynalabs never fare that well in the tuner shootouts, none do compared to the golden age models.
I have an MR-78. I have owned the Sansui and it was every bit as good as the
Mac. I sold the Sansui because I don't listen to the radio anymore. If I were you I
would get the Sansui. The Dynalabs never fare that well in the tuner shootouts,
none do compared to the golden age models.
Thanks for the suggesions. I thought going with an up-grade of my original FT-101 to the 90T would be huge performance jump? And of course it would be new. The 6 audio review sparked my interest. I currently have a Sansui TU-717 which is a keeper for me. It's great sounding and great looking tuner. I have thought of the Mac tuners suggested. The MR-77 is impressive. Any owners of MD-90T tuners would be nice to hear from. Thanks again.
I don't know if this is an issue for you, but do consider that many recommendations that are made here will be made more on the basis of the technical performance associated with receiving and processing signals than the quality/tone of the tuner in your system.

For example the Dynalabs had great spec's when they first came out, but the tonal qualities were IMHO poor. They finally tried to correct this by introducing tubes. I replaced my old Dynalab with a Perreaux which had lousy reception but great (warm) 'sound' which fit well into my, then, SS system. After converting my system to tubes and didn't need the 'warmth of the Perreaux I went on to a vintage Accuphase 101- great sound and spec's, built like a tank to boot. Neutral in the best sense.

Just something to consider, or not...........
I would go for the TU9900, but plan on setting aside some $$ to replace the 30 yr old capacitors, and get an alignment. The Mac MR77 is also a good alternative.

Both of these models and more are covered in the fm tuner site on line. fmtunerinfo dot com.
The Mac tuners will eat the MD for lunch!
You may even be able to get a pre-amp/tuner for less than just a tuner?
This doesn't address your question but IMO a better choice is a Mac MR-77.

In the context of the higher priced models i.e. 65, 71, and 78, an MR-77 is the genuine "sleeper" in the McIntosh line of tuners.

Good luck.
My first thought is, will you have any sonic improvement going to the 90T.

I used a TU717 for a short time and it performed very well and if the 9900 you were to pick up was working properly I suspect it would perform very well. Still, I question why sell the nice tuner you have for an older one. IMO your tuner is better looking too. Have you considered updating your FT-101?