Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it

I just had to post this somewhere, and their moderators won't allow it on the Roon forum.  Just so people know, it is not an open forum when it comes to comments about Roon or its stability.  

Their moderators edit and delete posts.  It can get a little Orwellian.  

There are users that have identified severe resource leaks or situations where the Roon software pegs a single core in a CPU until Roon has to restart, causing drop-outs in audio as well as very slow responsiveness.  

The moderators must all be severe fanboys.  

Take it for what it's worth.  I just want potential users to understand they may not get the most complete picture by reviewing the Roon forum.  And sure, I understand that moderators moderate.  When you're a hammer everything looks like a nail. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666

I agree Roon's support model is not geared towards quick response and it's under-resourced.  That may change over time with their acquisition.  I've tried to use it multiple times but their support ideas always revolve around stripping down the network and stripping down the library.  That's significant work...I can see the logic, but that's not seemed to help anyway.

Plus these problems seem to propagate with new releases...fix a problem once and then a similar one pops a few months later. 

I get the sense that, as above, the product is so complex they can't really tell what's going on either. 

My OP was more about the locking down of the Roon forum than the product albeit the product drives the comments on the forum. Roon itself is a mixed experience with extreme highs and lows. 

I've never had this issue with three custom build servers. With present custom build I'm rarely see anything above 5% usage in any particular core, this with Intel I9 processor. ATX board running Euphony OS.


I'd agree Roon forum not much good for troubleshooting, but then vast majority of issues are uniquely configuration based. Any issues I've had were due to operator error.My take is with Windows machines you better have powerful processor and max. services shut down or you may have issues.

Oh yeah, no question, all of these machines have been high powered. At least 6-8 cores and at least 3.6 - 3.8 Ghz base speed, i7 or i9 or AMD "equivalent," and PCIe 4.0 M2 system drives.

To me the issues seem library / database based - in the sense of there’s something in the library that causes Roon to go off the rails on processor power at various times. As above, two possible culprits is high use of Roon Tags (which I do) and having unidentified albums (I have maybe 500). The process of identifying albums in Roon is really cumbersome, and for many it’s just impossible anyway.

Like @carlsbad2. I haven’t had any issues with Roon in the four years that I’ve been using a Roon Nucleus Rev B server to store my core and play music. 

@bbarten +100

"You'd be surprised how often the creators of the products that have these issues also have no idea what's going on. It's because we've created systems we can't truly fully understand."

Two words: Open Source.