Roon isn't stable and they edit their forum to hide it

I just had to post this somewhere, and their moderators won't allow it on the Roon forum.  Just so people know, it is not an open forum when it comes to comments about Roon or its stability.  

Their moderators edit and delete posts.  It can get a little Orwellian.  

There are users that have identified severe resource leaks or situations where the Roon software pegs a single core in a CPU until Roon has to restart, causing drop-outs in audio as well as very slow responsiveness.  

The moderators must all be severe fanboys.  

Take it for what it's worth.  I just want potential users to understand they may not get the most complete picture by reviewing the Roon forum.  And sure, I understand that moderators moderate.  When you're a hammer everything looks like a nail. 


Showing 3 responses by sns

I've never had this issue with three custom build servers. With present custom build I'm rarely see anything above 5% usage in any particular core, this with Intel I9 processor. ATX board running Euphony OS.


I'd agree Roon forum not much good for troubleshooting, but then vast majority of issues are uniquely configuration based. Any issues I've had were due to operator error.My take is with Windows machines you better have powerful processor and max. services shut down or you may have issues.

I use rips from Synology NAS, streams from both Tidal and Qobuz, Roon radio stations, have library along line so 12k albums and never have issues. Again, I suspect OP has some kind of OS issues causing conflict.


@jji666  Curious as to whether you using analyzers in Roon setup? These may take up much processor resources. I go along with Taiko suggestions and turn both analyzers off, minimally try them throttled.

I find it hard to believe the issues mentioned here with app itself are inherent to Roon. Vast majority of issues I've seen with Roon on various forums  are outliers, otherwise we'd see same issues with mass numbers of users. Best I can come up is try to determine what users with no issues have in common ,and on the other hand, what do users with issues have in common.


Going through Roon issues on forums over the years the above is the norm, unique configurations that are difficult to troubleshoot. With so many users, hard to expect Roon to provide the number and quality of troubleshooters necessary to ensure answers for many of these issues. No doubt they've estimated cost of that exceeds benefit to them, willing to lose some customers. I generally don't even bother with app providers for troubleshooting, self help in expecting steep learning curve and/or using other users of app for needed help.