Room Nucleus+ vs what for dCS

I’m considering a Roon Nucleus+ for streaming to dCS DACs. DCS says networked streaming is superior to USB on their DACs. As such, the easiest way to get content from local is a Roon Core. Is there any sonic advantage to something more expensive? The Nucleus will not be co-located with the audio rack - but will run on Ethernet and there will be no Wifi in the path. It seems like for networked listening, as long as the device can serve up the file quickly, there shouldn’t be a sonic advantage to other devices, but would certainly welcome information to the contrary. 
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Showing 6 responses by david_ten

I’m considering a Roon Nucleus+ for streaming to dCS DACs.
Are you considering multiple dCS DACs?

Is there any sonic advantage to something more expensive?
Your thoughts / thinking on the question you ask, since you've been following this area for some time now?

there will be no Wifi in the path
Why / Reasons for not introducing WiFi?
No reason to use WiFi. House is wired and WiFi will always be inconsistent due to interference and overlapping zones.

Not true. WiFi can be used to effectively isolate the 'dirtier' sections from the more important and hopefully 'cleaner' sections for audio applications. There are other reasons as well. Dig deeper as WiFi can be your friend.

It seems like for networked listening, as long as the device can serve up the file quickly, there shouldn’t be a sonic advantage to other devices

...What I’m trying to understand is if there really is any sonic difference between them if running over Ethernet

There is, as in capital IS. Pursue different options to find out for yourself.

and the core is not located near the rack.

The Roon Core Component can most certainly be near, or in, or on the rack. Consider it an audio component and treat it as you would any other audio component in your primary system.

I have been evaluating DACs and dCS is on my list. I’ve auditioned the Bartok, the Rossini, and a full Vivaldi stack. I’ve also heard the Rossini in a neighbor’s system and have heard dCS products elsewhere. My most recent auditions, both at the dealer and at my neighbor’s home, coincidently / by happenstance were both fronted by a Roon Nucleus.

Based on what I am hearing you express, the dealer’s choices, and what my neighbor ended up with (in all cases... the Roon Nucleus) I’m fairly sure that dCS as well as their dealers believe that dCS is impervious to the ethernet signal being sent it’s way.

Once a position gets dug, it tends to stick / stay and is amplified by those that follow the manufacturer / dealer guidance.

I happen to disagree.
@audiotroy 's posts above are valid and share important and helpful information.