Room is way too bright.

Unfortunately, my listening room has a lot of windows.

I’m happy with my system, but I need to decrease the higher frequencies at bit.
What is the best and most cost effective way of achieving that?





Without knowing the layout of your room there have been a lot of good suggestions.  Depending on the number of windows, covering them properly can get expensive.  If you have hardwood or some other hard surface for the floor, get a large rug in front of the speakers.  Also treat the first reflection points if they can be attached to a wall.  There are also portable absorption treatments on stands if a window is at the reflection point.

Make your own acoustic treatments. Anyone can make them, and make them look professional. Very cheap to make and even customize.

I have used sound absorption panels from a company called ATS acoustics, and you can hang them from your windows temporarily while listening and take them down when you’re done that might help. 


Watch this before my explanation.

All speakers sounds/behave like above left speaker. The natural sound and Hi-Fi (un-natural) sound don’t blend. To test, you say anything (hello repeat) in front of your speaker.

Carefully listen around your audio room if there are any natural sounds present such as a spinning fan (freezer), dog noise, winds, water flowing, washing dishes, etc. These noises (distraction) will make the hi-fi sound irritating like above left speaker. Without natural sounds (distraction), hi-fi sounds are OK to listen since human ears adjust to it. Yes. Glasses will add more irritation, but it could be a small part. Alex/Wavetouch audio