Rogue Audio Dark Upgrade.

Has anyone performed the Dark upgrade and what are your thoughts please? 

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Showing 5 responses by samzx12

Dark Extended Features:
- Ultra Premium coupling capacitors
- Increased power supply storage
- Hex Fred high speed diodes in power supply
- Polypropylene bypass capacitors in power supply
- Nude Vishay resistors in critical locations
- Rhodium binding posts (Cardas)
- Rhodium RCA jacks (Cardas)
- Upgraded signal wiring (Cardas)
- Telefunken and RCA small signal tubes

@mulveling thank you 1st and foremost with your experience and recommendations.  I have a ST-100 and wondered exactly what you brought up. Would I even like the upgraded caps. Caps probably make a big difference but which one would be preferred. Hiend2 also brings up a good point and that is to purchase caps and have a tech install but again which ones?  In addition,  shipping back and forth isn't cheap plus the possibility of damages if shipped to Rogue for the Dark Upgrade. 

NOS tubes are another recommendation but which 12AX7 are considered popular for the ST-100?  I have several 12au7 to experiment with.  I  prefer a neutral to slightly warm sound. 

Lastly, the only downside of changing caps is it could hurt resale value because some buyers do not want to purchase a modified component unless it was performed by the factory. 


Gakerty can you give me more specifics on the CBS 12AX7 please?  Are they triple mica 5751WA or another type? I have experience with the 12au7 CBS in a Primaluna integrated amp I used to have and really liked the CBS sound. 

Thanks guys for some very informative information plus tube suggestions.  I have several 12au7 to try but will need to search for 12AX7 or 5751 that don't break the bank.  Or wait a little while until prices return to normal.  Hopefully.  This is definitely where I'll start before any other upgrades.  


@charcoalchuck agreed that Rogue is a steal at the price point.  I've had some really nice tube amps and the ST-100 rates extremely high.  Not sure its at Audio Research Ref level but pretty close IMO. Referring to older Refs and not the newest series.