Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
I compared the Oyaide R0 and R1 and much preferred the R0, but the GTX/Dr is clearly the best. But I really think evaluating outlets is the greatest pain.
Nope, Me and a few others are running Oyaide R1 duplex outlets. Base metal is Beryllium copper. Plated first with Platinum,then finished with Palladium. I myself is a Solid State guy, but my other friends are running all tube gear. They are very happy with the R1 as well.
Jebsmith73, do you use or own any of the furutech GTX-D Rhodium or Gold I will have saturday?
500 hours???? Really??? Just install them and enjoy, You will know right away what works best in your system .
I,m getting Both!, I will tell you the out come when I get 500 hours on both The Furutech GTX-D Gold and Rhodium, I suppose I may do a review of them, cheers.
Ok, fair enough Rsf. Was you friend's system tube-based or perhaps using warm ss gear with an analogue front end? As if so, that would explain your preference. I haven't tested both outlets in different setups, however according to Chris V, the gold is better suited to neutral to slightly warm ss systems with digital front ends. But that is a generalization only as this is a subjective science and ymmv.
Melbguy1 you are right I have not heard either of these connectors in my system but have heard both in a friends system and liked the Rhodium better. I'll admit I was generalizing because over the years I have never liked gold plated anything as much as I have liked pure copper or rhodium plated connectors.
Rsf, how can you recommend the GTX-D rhodium version over the gold when you've never heard either? Also I think you're over-generalizing. As I said earlier, with the GTX-D, the major mojo is the base metal (pure copper) which has a greater influence in the sound than the plating material which is a minor player. We're talking about a slide shade as opposed to a night/day difference. Both versions are outstanding. Chris from VH Audio recommended rhodium for tube-based systems or very warm SS systems where you don't want to risk going any warmer, and gold for neutral to slightly warm SS systems.
I have to agree with Tbg, never have found gold plating anything to sound tonally to my likening. I'd go with the Rhodium based version although I have not heard either.
Hi TBG, is your furutech equipment fully burned to 200 and more hours?, if so, can you tell me if you exsperienced more fuller body on the vocals?, and thrusted more into the room with music behind the vocals?, thankyou TBG, you have been a great asset of help to me.
Audiolabyrinth, I had the Furutech Gtx-d (r) outlets put into my HFC Waveguide power center as well as their Fi-03 IEC and the wire was updated at the same time. I would imagine that both contributed to my improvement. Remember, however, that I have never liked gold plating or solid.
Hi TBG, yes, Elliot did seem knowledgable, I'm going to take his advise, as a matter of fact, he said he developed the SR Reds fuses!, currently, the main thing now is for many to answer my Question about these Furutech GTX-D Gold or Rhodium recepticles, I buying next week end, and like many to chime in to help, cheers to you TBG.
Audiolabyrinth, you were quite lucky to talk with Elliot. He is very knowledgable and open.

I still want to know how IsoClean decides how the directional arrow goes. In my testing of their fuses, I never found the arrow wrong if I knew which way it was designed to be inserted. Most manufacturers have the hot go into the circuit and the neutral come from the circuit.

When there weren't many fuses in the circuit, one could usually learn where the hot went in terms of the fuse holder.
In other words, which Furutech GTX-D puts the vocals further into the room and sound full?
Hi, which Furutech GTX-D Rhodium or Gold sounds better on vocals and the over all mid-range for solid state amplification?
Hi TBG, As it turns out, after talking to Elliot at Synerchistic research, The SR RED fuses are directional, here is the reason Elliot said, they are cryo treated from one end to the other, and that every componet out there has different resistance on one of the fuse holder prongs from the other, told me to install one at a time, and flip them around to determine the best sound , no need to check with meter,cheers.
Thankyou RJA, However Gentleman, I am getting the complete package, the carbon fiber plate and aluminum wall frame,is there any increase in performance getting the plate and frame?, I was leaning towards getting the GTX-D Gold, it seems everyone has the Rhodium on the solid state amplifiers, that is what I am putting the first wpo on first, latter, I believe I might need the Gold on the digital, the Tara Cobalt power cord would benefit from the Gold I believe, I also am getting the SR Red fuses in the next few weeks for my amp, I talked to Synerchistic on the phone, Elliot was his name, I have to have four for my amp, ouch!, that's $400.00, However, I will be buying all from vh-Audio, cheers.
Tbg, have you tested a GTX-D (G) wpo? Yes, it is gold plated, but there is NOT a drastic difference between the rhodium and gold versions despite the plating difference. The major mojo is in the base metal (pure copper), and the slight lean towards warmth vs resolution in the gold vs rhodium (respectively) is more related to a slight 'shade' vs night/day difference. But as always, ymmv.
I never have had anything with gold plating that sounds good. Everything just sound burnished and slow.
I do not think there is much difference, for some reason, I use the Rhodium on digital and gold plated on all else, other than copper.

You can buy 10, or 12 gauge wire at Home Depot and have as good a cable as you can get, unless you wire in your wall is also premium grade. It is a ‘weakest link’ argument.
Rhodium on solid state power amp, PC Rhodium male and gold on amp end. CDP has volume control so no pre.
Hi RJA, concerning your 10-11-14 post, can you tell me what componet you put the Furutech GTX-D Gold on?, what you put your Rhodium outlet on?, cheers.
thankyou rafael0054 for your post, very helpful, keep up the good research, the truth is in the use!
Hi fellows.Yesterday I took the F1-11-N1 gold connectors out and put the old wattgate brass connectors to see how it sounded before the changement, and I must say that the differences in sound performances are so evident.In wattgate brass connectors the voices and other instruments sounds like all toghether and mixed (not separetely as in Furutech gold) and there is no this sense of depth in soundstage.Also strings haven`t such resolution and body as in furutech G and there is not this silence between the sounds.
Speaking of F1-11-N1 G Voices sound very opened, velvety character and with the breathing sounds, all instruments separetely and wright, beautiful soundstage,bass section accurate ,so in a word presence is what you hear.I know this is not a fair comparison between wattgate brass ( the cheapest of the serie) and Furutech gold.I suppose that wattgate gold connectors are as good as Furutech`s gold ones, even if I never tried them.Anyway this is my experience and I hope it could be of help to others.Cheers!Raf
Michelzay.You`re welcome.Thanks for the info in the another thread.Regarding the Furutech FI-11-N1 gold is far better than the original wattgate brass connector( more openess in mids,higher resolution in hights ,but the bass section is not well defined yet.I suspect is a matter of break-in because it has improved a little in these days I`ve been listening.As I said I`ll write my conclusions after 200 hours(within two months)Hope this helps.Cheers.Raf
Bol1972.Just a question for you.In which Purist Audio Design cable have you tested the Oyaide F50 and F1 connectors?Was it a Musaeus or Aqueous cable?Cheers.Raf
Raf, thanks for your comments. in another treat I also posted some complementary information. hope that would help. For break-in period, my cables were already broke-in and connecting FI-11n took more than 180 hours and as I said earlier, after 220-250 you will really hear more refinements.

The original connectors on your power cord, seems to be Wattgate brass NEAM/IEC. So the difference between gold and brass should not be just as a subtle change in sound. I am interested to find out what are your conclusions. Perhaps I could use the same concept with one of my Transparent PowerlinkMM which uses also wattagate connector.

Michelzay.It is so true what you say about how Rhodium connectors works excellent in LEDHD TV.Yesterday I lend my PAD Musaeus power cord with Furutech FI-11- N1 (R) Rhodium connectors to a friend.He put it to feed its Audioprism power conditionner replacing a Shunyata Copperhead with Oyaide P 079 gold connectors.As a result the imaging has improved in 3D,more depth, more definition and contrasts.So I arrived at the same conclusion, that Rhodium connectors are an excellent option for LEd Tv signal.I had the same cable in my audio system and it didn`t worked, middles sounded restrained (voices sounded like forced)and basses very tight.So I make a Musaeus power cord with Fi-11-N1 Gold connector and now it works as I wanted.Again that doesn`t mean that in another audio systems rhodium could perform more comfortably ,but in my system definitely not.Cheers and thanks for your comments.P.D:At the moment I`m in the break-in process of Gold connectors(as you see in my another thread)I`ll take my conclusion after 180 hours of use.Cheers!Raf.
How much cost the US retail price for Oyaides R1 ?
i have 10 unit for sale

I think it is best to leave preconceived notions at the door when it comes to inlets and outlets. I was actually surprised that the Furutech was a dud in my power regenerator. I think what this discussion shows is that there are really no rules to go by -- only what our ears tell us.
Furutech also makes AC fuses, did not like them at all. I really love what the Oyaide R1 duplex AC plugs do in my system.
At another thread here at Audiogon we have discussed the wall A/C receptacles.
One wants to remember that the Synergistic Research outlet's sound is a result of the combination of the metals used in construction and the Quantum Tunneling process that Synergistic applies to the outlet.
My system uses a mixture of Synergistic and the mentioned Furutech outlets.
The biggest stumbling block to using the Furutech outlets is no one I know of sells them with a 30 day trial.
Synergistic Research does have a 30 day trial to allow you to see if the outlet works in your system.
There are no absolutes. All I know is that the gold did not work in my system.
Sabai, interesting feed back, all this seems to be a mixed bag of no certain absolute in nothing with gold compaired to rhodium, auditioning seems a must to what works best where.
I just replaced my Tesla Plex SE with a Furutech GTX-D rhodium receptacle in my power regenerator. Powered up. Surprise -- the rhodium sucked the life out of the music. The Tesla Plex SE went right back in -- very quickly. Powered up -- ahhh, that's sounds better. Just like it should. All the warmth is back.
Audiolabyrinth.It is said that rhodium has more extention, more louder and more top ends, with airy High frequencies.May be is a good chance to make a try.As I said before I have not experimented with gold or rhodium outlets.I have my furutech FPX duplex outlet, which is made of pure cooper.It is the cheapest Furutech and works excellent in my system.So it`s up to tou.Very often in Hi End audio to reveal a curiosity you have to spend money, that`s the ugly part.What really helps in Hi end audio is ( if possible) to have a group of people that can lend each other some plugs, cables to make a test and to discover what really works or not in a determined system.That saves a lot of money, but not always is possible.If you buy rhodium or gold or another outlet, please make a comment to see how it worked.I wish you luck!Regards!Raf
Rafael0054, Hi, I may have to bite the bullet and buy both to find out what works best on what, do you have anything to add to your impression's of your experimenting?, the answer to you r question is, all the post over the last couple of months has been a mixed bag of what's best between Gold and Rhodium, your explanation of why is helped me alot, cheers.
Hi jebsmith73, Have you experimented between gold and Rhodium out-lets?, good to see you, I do not mind buying both to find out what works best where and on what, however, that means I would likly loose money on buying one out-let, then buy another, to bad I cannot audition the two and send the one back that does not work.
Jeb, just as an academic question i'm interested to know if you've compared the Furutech FI09 (R) to the GTX-D (G)? Are you aware of the drastic difference the pure copper base metal makes in the GTX?
Furutech FI 09 IEC AC outlet. Rhodium... Are on my SS Power amps,SS Preamp line stage ,Tube CD player/Dac and SS Phono stage. Prefer the Rhodium plugs over the Gold any day.
Hi Audiolabyrinth.If you are not changing the connectors of the power cords but beginning changing the wall receptacles is a very good idea, because the audio system beggins in the receptacle.; and consenquently if you have a very good outlet, then you will be able to judge better other components of your equipment.I agree with you by choosing a Gold receptacle to connect the tube hybrid cd- player, because as you said your digital source has high resolution , so in my opinion, there`s no need to add more resolution by choosing rhodium receptacle.But who knows, testing is the best way.My guess is that if you chosse gold receptacle your system will work very equilibrated for sure,, besides furutech is a hight quality brand and makes products exclusively for audio Hi End. Rhodium could be a surprise . I haven`t tested rhodium receptacles, just Rodhium connectors.If you buy one of these, I will appreciate your comments about how it worked in your chain.P.D.If you have the possibility to make a power line exclusively for your audio, could be great because normally other equipments in the house, ( refrigerators, air conditionners etc) put noise in the line, that interfers with signals in audio, so one way to isolate this noise is to have a power line exclusevely for your audio with its own ground.There is a saying in audio that says ^Electricity is 50% of the sound^and it`s true.Regards!Raf
Hi Rafael0054, I have a solid state amp, and a tube hybred cd-player running direct to amplification, it is the recepticles I am interested in, at first, I thought gold, the rhodium, now gold again, I believe I might need to get both and listen to what sounds best on what, I only need two GTX-D outlets, however, I would have to sale one and re-buy the better sounding one if I went that route, my tube digital has plenty of resolution from a good after market power cable, the gold may work there, even though it is tube, I really do not know which way to go between gold or rhodium?
Audiolabyrinth.Yes certainly!In my system sounds better than with rhodium connectors; I mean snare drums sounds precise, very fast, with all the modulations and vocals are opened, big,with throat sound and wet.I mean there is no struggle between this furutech Gold and the rest of the components and cabling in my system.I don`t know how is configurated your audio??is it tube or SS?I heard that Rhodium is suitable for tubes amps, but it depends. A friend of mine has a solid state Fortè amp and the rhodium connectors works very well in it.I Think that rhodium connectors and outlets loves high current( for instance if you read the above posts, many likes Furutech GTX-D (R) rhodium wall receptacle.May be rhodium works better in such conditions...Raf
Thankyou Rafael0054, this did help, question, does the gold sound better on snare drum and vocal mid-range to you than the rhodium on your solid state cd-player?
Hello Audiolabyrinth, I use the Gold Furutech AC connectors in a Purist Audio Design Musaeus power cord to feed a Krell KAV 300 Cd player.My amp is a Solid state Audio Research D 200 that has its own factory power cable ( so no possibillity to put another power cord)and my preamp is an hybrid tube /FET stereo line stage Audio Research LS2BMK2 ,also with its own factory cable.All my sistem is connected to a Shunyata Hydra 4 power conditionner and this is connected to the Furutech fpx wall receptacle by a Shunyata HC HVTX power cord.I hope this helps!Regards!Rafael
Is Rick installing the gold or rhodium Furutech GTX duplexes on your HFC Waveguide? Do you use the HFC UR Rhodium Power Cords? Also, is your system all solid state? I am just curious how the HFC UR Rhodium Power Cords sound with the gold Furutech GTX.

Thank you.