I also tried the Russian Tung-Sols originally supplied with the Pathos, and they're worse in the high end (brighter, brasher) and worse in the bass as well (tubby).
I was playing my the UHQR 45rpm of Kind Of Blue, and oh, does it sound great. There's not a ton of high end in that record, but what I do hear is pretty terrific. Neutral, musical, plenty of small-scale dynamic nuance, very natural, and 3-dimensional images.
But while better than with the Grover Huffman silver speaker cables, it get still sound too bright with brighter records. They're not forgiving. If I raise myself up from my sitting position on the couch a little bit, the brightness gets more pronounced. I may try to angle the speakers back just a bit more. I've maxxed out on what I can do with the spikes (lower in back, raised in the front), so I'll need to find some sort of shims.