REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab

I have about 5 grand to spend on loudspeakers.  Of these 2, Tekton Moab and Revel performa3 f208, which one would you goners buy? Or any recommendations? I have an old Krell FPB 400CX, Ayre K5xe mp, Wadia 321 Dac, VPI Classic turntable. 
I want coherency will the Moab. Not interested in adding a beryllium tweeter to them as that in my opinion would break up their amazing coherence just like an electrostatic design has. Also the  Beryllium tweeters I have heard from FOCAL did not impress me. I've owned Vandersteen 4a and Dunlavy scIVa with cloth dome tweeters and I prefer their tonal balance.  I am ordering a pair with just the upgrade package which gives you better crossover parts and better binding posts. 
I opted for the cloth dome tweeter as well. If I’m not mistaken, Eric offers the Encore tweeter as an upgrade to the Moab. The dynamics and tonality of the Moab is fantastic, so I probably wouldn’t choose the BE upgrade. I wish I would have known about the additional crossover option at time of purchase. I would have certainly pulled the trigger on that. I have the stock model, and they are sublime as is! Congratulations on your order and hopefully they arrive by will thoroughly enjoy them. 

I have friend that swears by his Pass Labs XA.30 with a pair of Tekton double impacts. I have the Bricasti M15. Absolute heaven with the Moab. Similar to Pass Labs. Tube amps can also offer incredible synergy with the Moab. Have fun and enjoy the music.
Since you mentioned crossover upgrades, I'll throw in my 2 cents.
 I have owned 2 pair of F208's, the first pair were new, but were returned after auditioning. They did some things well, but I didn't feel they had the right price/performance ratio.
 They were definitely not "tube friendly". I measured the same two impedance dips (3 ohm) that Stereophile did.
 I later bought a second, "previously owned" pair (much cheaper) to explore them further.
 Despite what Revel might claim, they use "off the shelf" SB Acoustics drivers. I think I came up with about $315 retail if you bought them yourself. Markup is expected, and they are nice drivers in other implementations.
 What really hurts their performance, is the crossover. While well designed, the drivers integrate well, with decent imaging. The actual crossovers don't have more than $5 worth of parts in them.
 This, to my ear, left a gray, washed out, lifeless sound. I heard this before taking them apart, so I wasn't "pre-prejudiced" by what might be inside. I have heard (and used) those same drivers elsewhere,  so I know they can sound much better.
 When I resold the second set, the buyer asked to hear the speakers I was keeping (Tyler H3's with modified crossovers).....I almost thought I was going to lose the sale. There was a huge, audible difference, throughout the range. And that was before I replaced the H3's crossovers completely, with a better design.
 Anyway, as they say, ymmv. But it still irks me that Revel lists the 208's as "8 ohms nominal", when the impedance rarely rises above 6 ohms 20-20k. The the midrange  and tweeter are both 4 ohm units, with 2, 8 ohm woofers in parallel.
 As stated earlier, just my 2 cents, but there are quite a few superior cost/performance/sound speakers for the price.
 Not trying to dissuade, just share what I learned. The 208's do look nice, and don't sound bad, they could sound so much better with just a few $ in parts.
So much nonsense. All in ignorance. Stunning, off the charts ignorance. Come by and hear. Heck just read the comments on my system page. From those who actually heard Moabs, driven by 50 tube watts. Integrated. 

Slaughtered. Good one. Takes me back to what, the 70's? Crack me up. 

Just one thing if you do ever come, don't forget the drool cup.
@millercarbon -- about two years ago, a local craigslist ad popped up for ferrari red Tekton DI's. I went for an audition, and actually was quite impressed. At the time I didn't have a dedicated listening room, and my wife just let out a big "hello no!" after seeing the pictures. But I agree that there was something about the speakers that still make me think about them. Unfortunately, I spent very little time with them and can't remember what amplification was used to drive them. I did find them a bit bright sounding though. It seems that you are using them with tubes and I bet the tubes have mitigated the somewhat forward presentation. 

Now that I have a separate listening room, I would love to bring them in for an in house demo, but the thought of packing them up and sending them back is kinda scary. Also I've heard that Tekton are anal about the returns, even finger prints can cost you a penalty.