Retiring my Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3s for Stand Mount Speakers

As the title says, I'm looking for stand mount replacements for my venerable and much loved GM Continuum 3s. I'm moving from a 19' by 21' room to a 12' by 16' room. The GM C3s are very imposing and having a hard time integrating themselves into the small room. I really don't want to make a lateral or downward move in my new speaker choice, but I'm limited to speakers that are not larger than Harbeth's HL5plus speakers, for instance; have a natural "Art Dudley"—esque presentation, and perfect WAF.  I have had Spendor 1/2es which were nice. These parameters, are vague, I suppose, but a starting point. I am also buying used with a $5k± budget.  Any recommendations?
Here's some more info that may be helpful to you. It's a response I sent to someone who contacted me privately:

Room: 160 sq ft. Living room open to dining room.
Rear wall lively with a couple of windows.
Front wall pretty dead.
3rd wall lots of art and furniture and all my albums and CDs with a fireplace.

Dining room: 100 sq.ft.

Amps: Quicksilver M80 mono EL34 amps with 80 watts into 8 ohms.
Preamp: Quicksilver Line Stage.

Speaker placement: Side wall: 4 ft. Distance from front wall: 3 ft. Right now I am at the focal point of an equilateral triangle with 9 ft. sides. No sub.

I'm located south of you in Orange County near Laguna Beach.

I listen to everything except opera and juke box country.

I plan on staying with tubes. I am looking for a relatively efficient speaker (90dB) so I can use a 300b or similar. Since I live in a condo surrounded by retired folks, I never listen at >85db. I figure 10-15 watts will do me, since that will give me about >100dB for peaks. My tastes run to a more musical, Brit presentation. I've had Spendor 1/2s that were fine. Definitely stand mounted.

Thanks for your responses so faar, they're helping me clarify my options.
What about one of the GMA stand mount (Eos) variants? I know Roy has some interesting things in the works. You may desire a small sub to augment the low end. Give him a call. 

If you stay diligent, you may find a set of Vandersteen Treos (or maybe even a set of Quatros) close to your budget. No, they aren’t stand-mount options but they are narrow speakers and will maintain them the same sound profile as the GMA line. 
See the December 2017 review of the Watkins Stereo Generation 4 speaker in Absolute Sound.  Sounds like they might be just the ticket!
REG and his followers are fond of the Stirling Broadcast LS 3/6. Send me a PM if you want to talk about buying my pair.
Check out the reviews of the Evolution Acoustics mmMicro ones. Let me know if you are interested. I am looking to upgrade to their larger series. 
Well, I'm going to be hounded off the forum, but I'm starting a speaker company with two standmount 3-ways inspired by the Spendor 2/3 and the Sp100 (sort of).  But they won't be ready for 3 months minimum.

Speaker 1 will use a 8 inch ceramic woofer with a soft mid dome and ring dome tweeter, no 2 will be a 9.5 inch standmount 3 way with a 6 inch woven poly midrange.

All speakers will be acoustic suspension which are nice when you're in a smaller room.

I've had a speaker company 20 years ago and I do like Dudleyeqsue speakers.