Retiring my Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3s for Stand Mount Speakers

As the title says, I'm looking for stand mount replacements for my venerable and much loved GM Continuum 3s. I'm moving from a 19' by 21' room to a 12' by 16' room. The GM C3s are very imposing and having a hard time integrating themselves into the small room. I really don't want to make a lateral or downward move in my new speaker choice, but I'm limited to speakers that are not larger than Harbeth's HL5plus speakers, for instance; have a natural "Art Dudley"—esque presentation, and perfect WAF.  I have had Spendor 1/2es which were nice. These parameters, are vague, I suppose, but a starting point. I am also buying used with a $5k± budget.  Any recommendations?

Showing 1 response by nrenter

What about one of the GMA stand mount (Eos) variants? I know Roy has some interesting things in the works. You may desire a small sub to augment the low end. Give him a call. 

If you stay diligent, you may find a set of Vandersteen Treos (or maybe even a set of Quatros) close to your budget. No, they aren’t stand-mount options but they are narrow speakers and will maintain them the same sound profile as the GMA line.