RIP - Tim Mrock

It is with much sadness that I bring the news that Tim Mrock, the developer of Perfect Path Technologies, passed away at approximately 1 am on Monday morning 10/28/2019.

Tim succumbed to a fast-moving cancer. He leaves his capable partner Krissy to run the business and to continue producing the Perfect Path Technologies products.

Over the past few years, Tim and I have become good friends, often carrying on long telephone conversations discussing audio, new ideas to improve the hobby, and things of a spiritual nature.

Tim was a true genius, an inventor, a businessman, an entrepreneur, a deep thinker, an extremely hard worker, a generous person, and a man who truly loved his partner, Krissy.

With the conversations I had over time with Tim regarding his spiritual pathway, we can take solace in the knowledge that he is in a much better place. He was a man who loved his Lord with a passion. The names he gave to his company and to his products pretty much says it all.

I'm going to miss you, buddy.

Rest in peace, my friend.


Sorry to hear. Appreciate the passion and dedication for the love of music.
@mrs_ppt  - so sorry to hear as well.  I ordered my first PPT order to try some things on October 25 and was shocked to hear the news.

I just got the news about Tim’s passing. Like others have said before, I too am saddened. My condolences go out to you and his loved ones. I spoke to Tim four times. Each time he was very passionate about his products but most of all, he was always gracious and eager to answer any questions I had. He never once complained about his physical condition. He will be missed by many. His legacy will live on in all our systems large and small.
When able, I will continue purchasing these outstanding products. 
Rest In Peace Tim,


My condolences to Krissy and Tim's family.  He was such a nice man when we spoke.  His ingenuity was above 95% of all audio engineers.  His products live on in my system as in many others.  Hopefully, more audiophiles/music lovers will get to know his products.  To leave a legacy is the best method to being remembered.  He has made an indelible impression on his friends and customers. 
RIP, Tim
My eyes no longer see him, my hands no longer hold him....but he'll be in our hearts forever. <3   Many thanks to you for all for your support. <3 Love, Krissy Mrock 
 I have been away from audition for a while because of some family issues.  I decided to check out the forums and I say this post.  I am truly shocked and saddened by the news of Tims passing.  I considered Tim a friend even though I never met him in person.  I am a shy person and it is hard for me to get to know people but talking with Tim on the phone was always easy.  We would talk about music and out Michigan connection.  He was so passionate about his products and about music and life in general.  My condolences to Krissy,  Tim will be greatly missed,     Kent
Deeply saddened to hear the news of Tim's passing. 

I am a happy UK customer  of PPT. I spoke to Tim twice, he was a jolly gentleman and on both occasions. The service was truly professional with my order discussed, a deal struck and dispatched as soon as the payment settled.  After sales support there too and all this whilst battling cancer and running a business.  What a remarkable man. Rest in peace Tim, peace and love to his friends and family. 
Let’s not forget to show Krissy Mrock some love over the next couple of weeks.  This is going to be one tough time, going through the holidays without her husband.

Best to you all!
+2 Greg

Although nobody can take Tim's place, Krissy is really doing an exemplary job and under the most difficult circumstances.  He was a wonderful advocate of the audio community and a great guy too!  Krissy is also an extremely nice person to deal with just as Tim was  I wish her the best and will be thinking about her this holiday season.🛷😄.

Very sorry for your loss. I followed and commented on PPT products with some scepticism yet keeping an open mind to these new technologies. Looking forward to trying something someday. 
Tim and I were very close friends for many years. We had fallen apart in recent years and i only just heard of his passing today. We were no longer friends but the news brought back memories of all the great times we shared. I feel horrible for his wife, Krissy, and I pray for her and for the future of the business they built together. Tim was a true character. A truly memorable person who left his mark on everything he came in contact with. He was always innovative and entrepreneurial. He was extremely ambitious and didn’t quit. While we definitely disagreed on some things, and we were not friends in the end, the news of his passing still stung me at the core. I, admittedly, did not know the Tim Mrock who passed—after all, people can and often do change a great deal in a decade. What I can say is this, the Tim Mrock who was my best friend 25 years ago, I loved dearly. He will be greatly missed. 
Rest In Peace, my old friend. 
Keith Katsikas
I am not quite certain why I am even posting this response.  Maybe I just need to just let out what is trapped in my heart even though there is nobody there to hear or read this.  I found a photograph the other day.  It took me back some thirty one years ago.  Yes, 31 years, SHEESH.  It brought back fond memories.  The photo itself, had nothing to do with Tim.  The subject matter was a very rare picture of me.  Taken in the early 90's, I am sitting on an old Roycroft chair smoking a cigarette.  Tim would have laughed at this one especially if he knew who owned the chair (BJ).  Which, in turn tugged at my curiosity.  In turn, after all these years, I looked Tim up. I knew, with every fiber in my being, that if I picked up the telephone to call Tim, it would be nothing short of exhilarating. I felt my heart ache so when I read the news of his passing.  All of the joy and anticipation was lost in an instant.  His memory stuck in my head all day.  His effervescence, his voice and laughter, his intensity when he focused on ANYTHING, his appreciation of life and lust for learning.  After 31 years, these remain fresh in my mind and heart.  This is how I shall always remember him, with a tear and a smile.

He'll always be my favorite "what if."
Gave me his forever within the numbered days,
and I hear his voice every day. 
