Replicant 100 stylus

My ''general statement'' that styli are produced by either Ogura or Namiki

may need correction.

Some friends of my ''discovered'' that Replicant (Ortofon), Decca and

''Expert stylus'' are the same. As is/was the case with Gyger and

Van den Hul. Van den Hul designed Gyeger I, II and S (?) but

Gyger produced them. This was obviously kept secret for commercial


My assertion is that Expert stylus (Paratrace) provide them to the

other mentioned.

Is anybody capable to check this information?



''From a logical point of view'' ( Quine) names lack ''predicative function''

that is why we need predicates which ''say something'' about , say,

bearer of the name. So names are supposed to only refer to ,say,

objects (old expression) or entities (new expression for objects). But

as we have just ''seen'' the different names for the (same?) stylus

are more confusing than clear. So we have not easy task to first

''discover'' if  Replicant = Paratrace= Decca or like by Wien also

Vienna , Wenen (Dutch) and Bec (Serbo-Croatian) are different 

names with the same reference. The logical statement ''whatever is

true about Wien must be true about Vienna , Wenen, etc. because

they all refer to the same city in Austria. But what about those who

have no idea that, say, Wenen and Bec refer to Wien in Austria?



The Cadenza Bronze’s predecessor, Kontrapunkt "c", was also quite excellent. I’ve had both (still have a Bronze). The Kontra used a Fritz Gyger FG80 stylus. Supposedly the FG stylus was discontinued and they switched to Replicant for the line refresh. Someone from Ortofon (Louis?) mentioned that they thought the Replicant did splendidly well on its tapered aluminum cantilever.

My memory is that the Kontra "c" w/ FG80 was a bit warmer and more "fun" sounding, with a bit more bass bloom. The Cadenza Bronze w/ Replicant is a bit cleaner, neutral and more detailed - but still with a touch of warmth from that particular cantilever and motor. But yes, the Replicant also seemed better at rejecting surface noise. I think the stylus is the only major change of note between these 2 models (well, also the plastic inner body on Kontra vs. aluminum on Cadenza), so it’s a rare opportunity to compare just styli. I preferred the Kontra c and Bronze over the higher end Jubilee and Windfeld MC, for their warmer sounding motor & cantilever configuration. Honestly wish I’d kept the Kontra around, though :(

The Cadenza Bronze or Kontra c with a Sonic Frontiers Phono 1 was a badass combination for the money.

I am a big fan of Ortofon's Replicant 100 stylus.  My Cadenza Bronze has that stylus and upon first hearing it I was pleased with its SQ but also pleasantly surprised with how much quieter older LPs sounded.

The paradox of thinking to know. As was the case in, uh, my own

case when I had no idea that ''Paratrace= Replicant '' but deed

''retip'' while '' knowing'' or believing that retip is a priori

stupid to do.

My plea for retips made my psychology to mention lower price than

the real one. It is 216,67 GBP. instead of ''about 200''. I deed ''it'' for all

my cartridges with elliptical stylus. If later styli are better who can


pindac, Interesting information but as is always the case depending

from the truth of assertion  or premise. My is different from yours.

I have several cartridges retipped by Expert stylus with their ''Paratrace''

stylus . So if Paratrace = Replicant than both can't be as ''exclusive''

as in your premise. The stylus only retip is about 200 GBP. 

The whole Roksan PR about Shiraz is based on the premise that

Gyger II is the ''best ever'' stylus. This stylus is designed by Van

den Hul because Gyger I was very difficult to produce. This means

that Gyger II was ''more simple'' than Gyger I. Alas Van den Hul

deed not mark his styli as mk. 1, 2 and S. suggesting the ''same

stylus'' for all his styli. Shakespeare ''what is in a name?'' can

be answered in different  ways. Also as confusion. Who would 

believe that Serbo-Croatian name for Vienna is Bec? 

The VDH / Gyger Collaboration has been discovered in the Web Search available information, when an investigation in to Stylus Types is undertaken.

There will also be information discovered if a Web Search is carried out, that claims a certain Gyger Stylus Form is made up from very similar dimensions od the Ortofon Replicant 100, or vice-versa, hence the Gyger Stylus referred to, is seen as a retip on certain Ortofon MC's, as Ortofon would not make the Replicant 100 available for such MC Models.   

These Stylus Forms are again attached, most commonly to the Cartridges that are entered to the Market at a Certain Price Level, and it is these select parts in the assembly that are seen to be instrumental in the MC Model being Sonically Superior to lesser models. Projected Lower Volumes of Sales for these models dictates the Inflated Marketing Price.

The Buyer of such a luxurious item, and not only limited to Cartridges, will justify the Purchase, by adding to the Sales Spiel, and furthering the fantastical descriptions on offer, to bolster explaining their decision made to purchase.   

What really matters when the Smog of Fantastical Spiel Lifts, is whether the Stylus can offer many hours of service prior to becoming noticeably compromised.

A £3000 - £5000 MC Cart' with exotic Stylus only performing for approx' 300 Hours prior to the Stylus condition being recognised as being deteriorated to the point of impacting on the Sound Quality- Ouch - and a WTF Ouch to follow. The raised Smog of Fantastical Spiel around a Certain Type of Cartridge does not usually extend to making such a discomforting experience made known.

I have no intention of making the Cart's I know off, made known, I say such a statement, because a Cartridge offering a projected replay period at approx' £3.00 - £5.00 per Album being replayed, can actually be £10.00 - £17.00 per Album replayed, as well as a costly 'retip' to follow, and in some cases, a very long wait for the Cartridge to be returned.

Again it is very much down to the Purchaser to forget the fantastical spiel, leave it alone and wipe all thoughts from that book clean, and to seek out information that shows the Purchase Price for a Certain MC Model, is for a Model that is proven to offer the longevity of service the Buyer is expecting.

If such an information is not confirmed by the Purchaser, then a very expensive incremental cost to a replay can be incurred.     



It is easy to ask questions but sometimes very difficult to answer them.

My assertion is that only JCarr can answer my question. But he may

lack the time to read all threads in our forum. The conditions are

1. owning all 3 cartridge kinds 2. owning the right microscope and 3.

the needed knowledge, That is to say how important Replicant is

in comparison with ''nude Shibata'' , ''micro ridge'' and Van den Hul

(alias Gyger ).

The best replicant is the Nexus-6 model Roy Batty. Assuming of course you don't mind the 4 year life span.