REL Carbon Special in the house!

Just landed this afternoon! This replaces a Rel S/510 which honestly was more than what I needed but I’ve been drooling over the carbon for quite some time. 
So onto my stupid set up question…My speakers are the same so would the Xover and phase settings on the Carbon be the same as what I had on the S/510?




@tablejockey @ricred1 

If I could afford a No.25 I’d find a way to squeeze it into my apartment 😂 I’m by no means a basshead. Out of balance bass is just as fatiguing as treble sibilance. What fascinates me is what a precisely tuned sub does to the ambiance of the soundscape. 


That's part of the REL philosophy-they put back what we are "not hearing."

"The No. 32 & 31 are RELs new reference subwoofers."

ricred1-Wow! I haven't visited the site in awhile.

No.32=15"@$10K!!  Plebians need not apply.



@jl1ny  break in is more about your hearing getting used to the sub IMHO 😊 Take measurements and play tracks once you fiddle with settings. If you have space a dual sub is always better. If not - fine tune with single sub. 

Regards, K

I had dual REL G1 mkII subwoofers, but prefer my system with new mono-amps without the subwoofers. I agree with the statement, "What fascinates me is what a precisely tuned sub does to the ambiance of the soundscape", but better amplifiers do the same and maybe more. I don't think I'll ever own subs again for 2-channel.