Red light went on on one of my Ayre MX-R amps

Please advise? My owners manual is in hard place to access. I unplugged the amp and plugged it back in and now it seems to be fine - should i be concerned?
Dear Solecky (and all others)

Have you actually spoken to anyone here at Ayre? The best thing to do in times like this is to call the people that designed the product rather than post on a website where you will get what is likely a lot of mixed information, and worse, wrong information. Please give me a call at 303.442.7300 x 223. I am happy to help you out.

Thank you,
Ayre Acoustics Customer Service Mgr.
I just called Ayre and left a message, now the one amp keeps resetting itself to idle when I have them both off idle, it must be over heating. It has done this at least 4 time in one week now. Something is wrong :(
I unplugged ny MX-R's last night. Blue to green when turned to stand by. When unplugged I think they switched to Red=>violet=>orange=>green (I think)=>nothing.
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One MX-R owner's manual, coming right up.

Ayre is pretty cool about having lots of information on-line.

MX-R owner's manual

FYI, calling Ayre is another good idea, as they are VERY helpful!

Good Luck!