
Discussions solecky has started

Help and advice on first potential international sale12652
What a great hobby, we meet very nice people18663
HELP - Building stereo room, need advice ASAP26848
Building a house with dedicated stereo room-advice558415
Building new house need advice on a dedicated room28358
Anyone using Ayre MXRs with Revel Studio2/Salon2?18591
Red light went on on one of my Ayre MX-R amps48579
Upgrading from Ayre Vx5e to MXRs on Revel F52s34054
Anyone had an Ayre xe version updated to MP yet?47248
Replaced Kimber Kable Hero ICs with Kubala-Sosna83916
Power Plant Premier making sound worse?1197422
Does the Telsa Plex Outlet accept 10 Gauge wire?19511
RS SPL calculation when changed from 80dB20241
House wiring for dedicated power to stereo474711
Dedicated stereo power advice21713