Recommendations for speakers that sound great at lower volume levels.

I have a pair of Harbeth SHL5 Plus and they sound wonderful when I crank them up. But at moderate to low volume levels they sound disappointingly flat and unengaging - instruments are less palpable, bass has less bloom, and soundstage has less air and dimensionality. I drive my speakers with a tube integrated - a Line Magnetic 845 rated at 26 watts of power. My Harbeths are rated at 86db. Would a higher sensitivity speaker be helpful? Or how about a good quality small shoebox sized pair of speakers coupled with a subwoofer? Or not. What speakers are going to deliver music you can feel at low volume levels? What say all you wisened audiophiles?
As mentioned before, high efficiency speakers tend to keep a better tonal balance at lower volume levels (around 45~50  dBA  SPL). In my case, a friend who was visiting mentioned that the Tonian 12.1s I had installed in my living room sounded good at a very low levels. They are about 97db/W/m.
As mentioned before, high efficiency speakers tend to keep a better tonal balance at lower volume levels (around 45~50  dBA  SPL). 

Must be different for planar speakers, my apogee duetta 2's sound great at low SPL's. 
Devore Orangutan o/96 powered with 8 watts tubes are perfect for very low level listening. I tend to agree that high efficiency speakers is the way to reach your goal. 
Interesting idea, buddyboy1!  At a couple of hundred dollars it's definitely worth a try.

On the other hand, higher efficiency speakers are probably the way to go at the end of the day. Yes, I wish I could afford the Devore's. What say you audiogoners about the Klipsch Cornwall IV? Not cheap, but half the price of the Devores and they're rated at 102 db.