Recommendations—2.0 Setup For Music|Film|TV (~$3K-$8K)

Hello everyone, this is my first-ever post on a forum for Home Audio (I apologize in advance for the incredibly stupid questions I may ask).
I’m looking to build a 2.0 or 2.1 setup, that would be best for both Music and BluRays/TV use; Although, the Music is without question more important.

I would prefer to have a simpler setup, like an all-in-one-int.amp + speakers; But if the sound quality would be substantially improved by another option, I would be open to that. I’ve been considering things like the Naim Nova, NAD M33, etc… paired with a ~$5K Bookshelves (or Floorstanders).
I’ve also considered Active Speakers but haven’t really been able to find many in the $5000+ range, and I’m worried that I’ll be sacrificing sound quality if I go that route. But I’m absolutely open to recommendations for those because I would actually prefer to keep the setup as simple as possible, as long as I’m not sacrificing quality.
I’m open to Bookshelves or Floorstanders (Although bookshelves may be slightly preferable for me) …
The setup will be used for:
— Streaming Music (mostly FLACs; possibly via int. Amp). The audio quality for streaming music is probably the most important factor. —
— Film|TV: Streaming|Firestick|4K Blu Rays.
— Setup is for “Smallish” Room: roughly 20ft.x12’x9’.
— The system would not have to be *extremely loud*.I never really listen to music/movies at deafening volumes; The most I would need is something like “a little-loud/medium-loud” if that makes sense.
My budget is EXTREMELY flexible, but this is the breakdown I had in mind, but again, I’m VERY open to recommendations for both my budget and setup.
$3000-$5500: If many other components are needed
$6000-$9000: active speakers/little else is needed.
Integrated Amps (preferably All-In-Ones options): $3000-$6000
Other Amps/Components

Any help would be greatly appreciated. As I said, I’m fairly new to Home Audio. And although I’m very ignorant to much of this … I’d say I’m like an Audiophile that doesn’t know much about Audio … In that; When I listen to Music—I want it to sound as good as it possibly can. 
Again, thank you so much (in advance) for even taking the time to read this.
— Chris 
Just FYI aside from running a 2 channel system for music, In the same room I have a wall I use for projection and have a separate 3.1 system (which shares the subwoofers) 3 channels, LCR actually works quite well, and with film and tv the center channel is the most important.
I have the SE84UFO Decware with 2 WATTS it sounds fantastic but speakers really need to be around 100dB efficient which really limits the choices. The big issue with Decware now is the 8 to 10 month wait time to get anything built.  
They do have other amps with more power but none have a remote control volume which means while they are integrated you'll need to control the volume at the source or like in old days when I was a kid the youngest becomes the remote control. 

The single driver open baffles with a sub if you can get them away from the back wall are an amazing presentation and would work well in stereo, theater system.
There is no dishonour in used equipment.Also there are some stunningly good CD/DAC solutions.
I would focus on speakers if I was doing it.
For max sound quality per dollar I would highly recommend you consider an integrated amp, either Decware Zen Integrated or if your budget allows Raven Blackhawk I have the Blackhawk and highly recommend it.   

Either of these amps relies on your using fairly efficient speakers. Either Tekton Double Impact or Moab will work, and well. I have Moab and have no doubt you will have both incredibly real solid draw you in sound with either of those amps and speaker combinations.  

Given your room size and volume requirements, together with your desire for music quality, I would lean Decware and Double Impact and put the money "saved" on those into Townshend Podiums for the speakers and Pods for everything else. Then get your choice of great wire. Silversmith Fidelium are terrific for the money, or if you want warmer more natural Townshend F1 but they are quite a bit more, Fidelium are probably the high value bargain pick in wire.  

Decware power conditioner. Your choice of source, I really have no opinion on digital. 

Only other thing to add, in a situation like yours, quality over quantity, keep in mind that in general a system intelligently filled out with things like Podiums, Pods, HFT, fuses and other seeming accessory/tweaks will far outperform the same budget spent all on the big box components. A $4k speaker on $2k Podiums will sound much better than a $6k speaker on factory spikes. I have heard the difference. It is not even close.  

A not insignificant factor, other than the Townshend (made in UK) all the rest of this is made here in the USA. Decware is lifetime warranty, and Raven might as well be. Synergistic and Silversmith made here as well. Decware, Raven and Tekton are all sold direct. This alone is huge. Everything sold through a dealer figure half the price evaporates as profit. You simply get more for your money from these manufacturers.

Here’s a pair of Joseph Audio Pulsars in your budget that are excellent speakers...

You could pair them with something like a Hegel H190 integrated amp w/DAC for $4000 new and you’d largely be done.  For HT I’d highly recommend adding a sub like an SVS SB1000 Pro ($499) as it adds a lot to the movie experience.  Just one idea, and best of luck. 
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A CD player certainly would be a bonus, though, it wouldn’t be “mandatory” since I plan on streaming HiRes. Music.
I do also have a small collection of vinyls, so that would be a smaller bonus, but with that, I could basically take it or leave it.
And yes, I’m open to buying Used gear. 
Can you tolerate used?
If you need a CD player turntable it all adds up.

Speakers are where you’ll find that most of  the action happens.,.. and it is like arguing religion. They graph flat in amplitude, but if they are not good in phase and time, then they can still sound bad.
I can put an iPhone on the tether with RCAs from the 1.8” earphone jack, into a modest amplifier and into good speakers and it sounds good.