Recommendation for DAC needed.

I’m looking to replace my Schiit Gumby DAC.  Price range: $2000-3000.
Right now considering Ayre Codex.
Need it for my CD transport as a well as compacity for hi res streaming.
 I don’t need headphone capability.
Any high quality unit recommendations would be appreciated.
Sucks to see that, but it is bit-perfpect if used with the programs/apps I mentioned, measurements
@rvpiano, like I sound about 50 posts ago, "The only thing that I found significantly better than my Gumby is very pricey Aqua Formula.".

Any one here dump their Gumby for something they like better(other than an Yggy)? What did you go to and how much did you need to spend to do so? Cheers,
    Hi Richard, always enjoyable to read the discussions you start . Having gone from a Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog ( non multibit ) to the Schiit Yiggy, gave me an improvement, but along the same type sound signature . But my random thoughts are this . Why not put your effort into how you feed your Gumby , as opposed to replacing it . I run a Cardas Clear USB from a Windows laptop . I have had improved SQ by using a better quality USB. I’ve played with Toslink and Digital Coax without improvement. But other people have had a much different experience. I tried the USB Disruptor devise with zero change . My friend had a huge improvement with the devise on his high quality tube DAC. Running Windows I can achieve partial MQA unfolding with Windows before it goes to the Yiggy . My friend with the tube DAC runs a MacBook Pro and has Amarro software installed. The Mac does complete MQA unfolding and the Amarro software allows for digital room correction similar to moderately priced sound correction devices . I also noticed on the Emphirical Audio site , that their reclocker is not recommended with Schiit devices . I don’t have a clear cut direction for you , but as a fellow Schiit owner and familiar with your system , I feel  that there is a potential for a SQ improvement by playing with your source . I fed my Yiggy from my Oppo 105 Darby with no improvement either . But I’ve had good luck with a computer and I’m contemplating a Mac over a streamer . But I would definitely like to try a Bryston , as my friends sounds great . Maybe some of the Schiit owners can chime in on specific source combos and their results. You’re a gentleman and it’s always a pleasure to talk with you . Happy Holidays to all of the AGON community, Mike . 

Thank you much for your kind words.  It’s always informative and a pleasure to speak with you.
 I’m hoping the Arcam streamer I’ve bought is going to improve things.  Actually, I’m finding Chromecast Audio not all that bad after all.  I don’t have a laptop to try out and using my desktop is not feasible, although I’ve heard a direct Ethernet connection is the best way to go. 

Happy holidays to to you too.  Richard 
@jburidan Ever compare the Hugo or DirectStream to the Gumby multibit or the Yggy? I did a side-by-side of Hugo vs. Gumby in my system and decided to buy the Gumby. 
I have a friend who owns both the PS and the Yggy; he prefers and uses the Yggy the majority of the time. Cheers,
sbank1, preferences are system dependent. Also, each of us has different hearing. I haven't heard the Chord, but would buy the Chord Dave, if I could afford one.
I must confess I am clueless when it comes to DACs as I have never thought I needed one. However my Denon/Exemplar CD player is close to 10 years old and given supposed advances in digital technology it is probably time to consider a DAC, although it would be nice to try some before purchase - highly unlikely in Australia. From what research I have done and being aware one can spend many thousands of dollars ( not going to happen ) it would appear that the Chinese made Topping D50 has a lot going for it, such as latest technology, at a bargain basement price. So the big question - is the Topping the bargain it appears to be and how does it stack up against the uber expensive DACs
Without measurements, you can’t take his statements as truth. I think I did find that Spotify too is not bit-perfect through casting, which is a shame. I have no clue why Google cant get this right, but I know as a fact that using Roon or an app like Android HiFi Cast will be bit-perfect.
At the risk of sounding like a non-answer, I agree with the sentiment to consider the front end before the dac, although the improvements can be dac-specific, and it honestly depends so much on the level of the rest of your system.  

For instance, if using USB, consider a better usb cable, a reclocker like an iso-regen, some linear power supply upgrades for anything in the chain not using them, and power supply improvements in general (balanced power or well-reviewed filtering).  Sadly, any dac upgrade may not be as noticeable of an improvement without a lot of that already in place.  This takes a lot of research and a lot of experimenting, but the yields can be significant.  Read as much as you can.  Try them one at a time, but some won’t yield improvements unless in conjunction (linear power supply combined with reclockers, for example).

I use an Yggy with a lot of SoTM, Uptone and Sonore network and USB gear in front, and the gains have been very significant, but the costs have been too.  I had an Aqua Formula for 3 weeks, but by itself, it wasn’t a giant improvement over the Yggy plus upgrades (the latest with analog 2), although it would have been better likely with all those other upgrades in front.

just suggesting the dac upgrade needs to be considered with the other opportunities.
You could sell your transport and use the extra cash to upgrade to a Marantz SA-KI Ruby.  Incredible DAC, fantastic transport. Absolutely wonderful.
Just a couple that I've demo'd recently (I went with the PS Audio Junior $2,800 after trading in a Marantz 8005)

exa sound e32
M2Tech Young DSD

both benefit from LPS
Hello peeps,

I notice there is a hell of a lot of recommending one bit of DAC gear over another based on graphs and scientific measurements. 

I am no expert at all on this, but surely how it actually sounds, what the DAC Chip DOES with the digital information, how it turns it into analogue is more than simply the lowest distortion, noise, best this or that? I would have thought that the manner inwhich the information is INTERPRETED and converted is all important.

I know the CD player I am busy selling has some kind of valve-like output stage (Musical Fidelity A5) - surely it is things like this which make the sound more musical, rather than things that can be shown on a graph?

I'm interested in hearing your views on this! Thanks,

For what it's worth, my steps up the DAC ladder went like this, each one led to noticable improvements in SQ, the biggest step-up by far was the last one:
1) Oppo 105
2) Oppo 105 -> PS Audio Digital Link III
3) Oppo 105 and PC -> PS Audio PWD
4) Ethernet -> PS Audio PWD via Bridge II, Tidal as primary source; SQ much better than Oppo 105-> DAC, so Oppo player went back to the midfi HT in the basement.