Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier

I'm at a point where I'd like to try a tube integrated amplifier.

I currently have a Luxman L-509x driving a pair of Audio Note AN-K/SPx SEs.

I use a Marantz SA-KI Ruby CD/SACD player and a Technics SL1200Mk2 and AT-33SA LOMC for sources.

I also use a Rythmik E15HP/PEQ3 subwoofer to fill in the bottom end.

I listen mostly to jazz, classic rock at low to mid-level volumes, and my budget would be around $4k-ish used or new.

So, I'd like to get some recommendations for an integrated that would pair well with the AN-Ks.  Subwoofer connection mandatory either pre-outs or compatible for speaker level connection.  Phono pre inputs for MC desired, but optional.

No hybrids, high power not needed. No headphones either.  A remote would be nice, but I could suffer without one.



erikt, unless 60s gear is off the list, have a look at the best eico, the fisher & h h scott integrateds. the dynaco st-35 is especially appreciated by folks offering similar descriptions and musical preferences.

I’ve owned 3 tube amps paired with bookshelf speakers and by far the sweetest sounding was a Raven Audio Osprey. $5K

I could not find your speakers specs (their website is unusable on my phone) so I can only assume 35wpc is enough - it was for my Harbeth 30.2XDs

It does have sub outs with a crossover filter that can be bypassed, has a remote, and has a 45 day in home trial policy.

$5K is a bit over budget but they sell direct so no dealer margins to account for, so more bang for the buck. James Connell is great to work with.

Ive since moved on to solid state and I sold it quickly and the new owner also loved it.


You haven’t mentioned your cables, please share your interconnect and speaker cable lineup.


I owned the AN-K/SPx several years ago or as the Audio Note camp calls them, the Super K’s. A terrific speaker and very easy to drive. What is it truly that you are trying to accomplish tonally? Are you looking for more transparency? Decay like when a guitar string is plucked? What size is your room? How do you have the Super K’s placed in the room? Are you bi-wiring or using jumpers and if so, what kind of jumpers? What volume levels and what kind of music do you prefer?


There are many amps that will mate well but some of the suggestions above may not be optimal. There is also an incredible amount of performance potential from that speaker you have yet to hear. While the Luxman is a fine amp, it would not be an ideal match in my opinion.

If you can audition any AN products I'm sure you can find one to suit your tastes. the Otto has has been high on my list. If 300b is enough juice for you than maybe the AN Kit 1. Less expensive 300b option I can recommend would be Elekit 8600 with premium tubes. Its 9 watts work for me with 92db 8ohm speakers.

I second @larryi and would recommend the Synthesis A40. I have Audio Note ANE SP HE speakers and the synergy is amazing. Feel free to message me if you want additional insight. 
