Recommend an MC cartridge

I have a Pure Fidelity Harmony TT with an Audio Origami PU7 tonearm and Stratos cart (modified Gold Note Donatello Gold) and have ordered a Whest Titan Pro phono stage. I'm looking for a suitable cartridge to replace the Stratos. I prefer something from My Sonic Lab, Ortofon or Hana.

Any suggestions?


I went from Hana ML to an Aidas CU Series Durawood Bee. An amazing instrument, and retipping is very reasonable. 

I have the Ortofon Cadenza Black and have used it for about two years. I like it so much I bought another as a backup. Once my original needs service, I will have it rebuilt and keep is a a backup. 

I think the model is Denon 103 but you need to have the wood body installed  beats the pants off of anything recomme3nded above  modeled after the Gold Bug.

My experience with cartridges is buying them, getting a few expensive clunkers and getting some really nice “cheap” and some expensive good ones.  All just buying based on the same reviews you probably read.  Basically just trading the reviews and trial and error.

One mid-point cartridge that I liked so much I bought a new one for my daughter is the Van den Hul Frog Gold.  Green and kinda stupid looking.  But it sounds consistently nice.  It’s also really easy to install correctly and adjust.  Not sure why, as you would think they’d all be more or less the same.