Recomended Pre-amp for Krell KAV250?

Looking for recommendations for a pre-amp (looking to buy used on audiogon as I am based the UK price with range $1000-2000) to use with a Krell KAV250a. At present I am considering Krell 250p/280p/krc-3 and Pass Labs X2.5. Unit must have HT bypass and I would prefer balanced outputs. Speakers are Celestion A3's. Any advice welcome as I have been told synergy between pre and power amps can have a tremendous effect on sound quality.


Thanks gentlemen - I had not previously considered a tubed pre- and having read some other posts on this forum this sounds an interesting option.

also, to turn around what Asonicyouth said. Krells sound very good with tube pre's (Sonic Frontiers) comes to mind and has the features you want I beleave. I use an Audioprism Mantissa tubed pre with my Krell. I have also used an Bent Audio TVC (passive pre) with my Kav-500 with great results...I tried it with my Ksa-250 also but not as good a match as with the KAV. I've read that the AR tubed pre's are also a good match with Krells, I think you can get balanced and HT pass-through with these older pre's also in your price range.


I think that a KBL would suit you well. I used to have one and it worked wonderfully with my SF amp. It is very neutral and dead quiet. Also, you can pick one up on the gon between 800-1000 american dollars, not bad for a pre that was stereophile class A for about 5 years. Highly reccomended.