Recomended Pre-amp for Krell KAV250?

Looking for recommendations for a pre-amp (looking to buy used on audiogon as I am based the UK price with range $1000-2000) to use with a Krell KAV250a. At present I am considering Krell 250p/280p/krc-3 and Pass Labs X2.5. Unit must have HT bypass and I would prefer balanced outputs. Speakers are Celestion A3's. Any advice welcome as I have been told synergy between pre and power amps can have a tremendous effect on sound quality.


I think that a KBL would suit you well. I used to have one and it worked wonderfully with my SF amp. It is very neutral and dead quiet. Also, you can pick one up on the gon between 800-1000 american dollars, not bad for a pre that was stereophile class A for about 5 years. Highly reccomended.
also, to turn around what Asonicyouth said. Krells sound very good with tube pre's (Sonic Frontiers) comes to mind and has the features you want I beleave. I use an Audioprism Mantissa tubed pre with my Krell. I have also used an Bent Audio TVC (passive pre) with my Kav-500 with great results...I tried it with my Ksa-250 also but not as good a match as with the KAV. I've read that the AR tubed pre's are also a good match with Krells, I think you can get balanced and HT pass-through with these older pre's also in your price range.


Thanks gentlemen - I had not previously considered a tubed pre- and having read some other posts on this forum this sounds an interesting option.
