
Responses from paul_smith

Krell KRC-3 Questions
thanks for the responses - yes IC's/speaker cable are not ideal! - was using KS-1010/1011 from a meridian processor but felt balanced inputs on KAV250a gave better sound and I was not happy with using a processor as a stereo pre-amp.Now eith HT by... 
Recomended Pre-amp for Krell KAV250?
Thanks gentlemen - I had not previously considered a tubed pre- and having read some other posts on this forum this sounds an interesting option.Paul 
Krell kav 250a/3 - Input Mix?
Krell have confirmed that you can mix inputs on the amp.See response below" At the end of the day though it is possible to use channels in balanced and in single-ended mode at the same time. Two items of importance to note are:1 - There will be a ... 
Krell KAV 250p
Thanks David - looks like the hunt for a 280p begins now! 
Krell kav 250a/3 - Input Mix?
Thanks for that David. I e-mailed the UK importers for Krell last week and was told under no circumstances to do this as it would damage the amp!At the time I thought it strange as it was my understanding that the 3 channels were independent.I gue...