Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year

Wow! The envelope said “Dept of Revenue” so I figured it may be my car tags due. I opened the envelope to find a statement that I owed $665 for “use tax” on an amp I bought last year in June.  Shocked is an understatement. Yes, I bought a used amp from a guy in Canada through A’gon. But I paid the tariff on it. Now they also want tax.  However, the amount they are basing it on is over double what I paid for the amp. But had to send it to Don Sachs for repair a few months later. So I wonder if they are seeing that as a separate purchase rather than a repair. They even charged me $43 interest which is more ridiculous IMO.
So the question...Are you required  to pay tax on a used amp or other used  items? Has anyone else encountered this? Yes, I know the states are cracking down on the sales tax. But on used items? Wow


Showing 7 responses by oregonpapa

I’ve lived in California for 82 of my 83 years, so I think I have a handle on the problem.

Here is why California is billions of dollars upside down in its unfunded liabilities: The public employee unions donate huge sums of cash to the campaign coffers of Democrat candidates for the state legislature. Once elected, those same politicians do the bidding of the public employee unions. On the side, they try to run the state.

According to the California Policy Center, California’s total debt liability stands at 1.5 trillion dollars.

To gain a real insight into the problem, go to this site:

Here, you will find the salaries and perks for every government employee in the state including city, county, and state employees. If you want to gain insight into why sending your child to a university is so expensive, check out the salaries being paid through the University of California system.

Prepare to be shocked ... shocked, I tells ya.

nonoise ...

The author of the piece you posted showed his ankle with the first sentence in the article. He lives in Santa Monica. Evidently, he hasn't walked down the boardwalk into Venice lately.

What is the difference between a yearly budget deficit/surplus and an overall debt? By what extension of imagination can one equate a 1.5 trillion debt with solvency/success as the author does? Hey, let's you and I pool our credit cards and go buy that new Rolls Royce and show everyone how successful we are.

What are your thoughts on the site I left ... ?? ...

Did you even take a look at it?? Or is it full of the "lies" you alluded to? 

  • "The rest are residents who fell on hard times, mostly through medical bills that bankrupted them."

Most of the homeless population is suffering from substance abuse and/or suffering from mental illnesses of one type or another.

What are the compassionate policies being offered by the extremists on the radical left doing to solve the problem, other than to exacerbate it?

And so far, not one radical leftist has called me a Nazi. I feel vindicated. 

    "And, what's your solution to homelessness in this country?"

1.  For the mentally ill who cannot fend for themselves, reopen the mental hospitals that were closed due to ACLU lawsuits so they can get proper treatment and medication to at least lead a life without seeing and hearing demons. Hot showers and three good meals a day would be mandatory. 

2.  For the addicted, mandatory rehab programs, privately run for a profit. The better the outcomes, the more the rewards.

3.  For those who have been priced out of California homeownership, bus them to Pennslyvania. Harsh winters, I know, but a nice house is around $150,000. Rent is cheap too ... especially around January or February.

For the rest who just love living on sandy beaches for free, constructing tent cities in the Mojave Desert would be a good choice. Air-conditioning and rabbit stew provided, of course. 

And your solutions are what, exactly ... besides raising the minimum wage, providing a "living wage, stimulus checks, or a monthly packet containing newly counterfeited money? 

"As for my take, establish a living wage ..."
How much would that be, who would decide the amount, and how would it be distributed?
" Pay some form of child support/assistance to working families ..."
Would the funds come from families that don't work? 

" As for "printing" money, how come I heard no one bring that up with the last, unfunded, 2 trillion dollar tax giveaway to those that didn't need or warrant it?" 
Most likely because the crowd you hang with don't have a clue about the money issue and never discuss it.
" Look under your beds, everyone! The commies are-a-comin'!"
No need to look under the bed. They are in plain sight screaming about "Equity," "BLM," "Defund the police," and "critical race theory." 


  • Frank, did you not get the message?

Did you not read my last post? Check out the note at the end. 

Getting back on topic ... Why should the State of California charge me for something I bought in another state and had no connection to California other than it crossed state lines via the USPS or UPS? 

  • "Give it a rest Frank or you'll give Admin the impression that since she's a woman, you won't listen."

Aren't you being a bit presumptuous by assuming that it identifies with that pronoun? :-)
