Quicksilver Remote Pre (6DJ8) & Cary SLP-88 ... Need Opinions

I'm debating between these two preamps. What are your experiences and thoughts (sound quality, build quality, etc.). The Quickie is much newer but the Cary is a 6SN7 (for better or worse considering prices of NOS tubes, not that 6DJ8 are any cheaper)...
Hello go church 
What’s the rest of the system Did you remember to invert polarity your tape out is out of sinc 180 for subs so try inverting and run subs 180 
I'm running a pair of subs off the tape outs (converted to a 2nd set of pre outs) on my QS (12AT7).
Its a zippy sounding preamp, definitely not tubey. The "tubiest" I was able to get was a pair of Philips 7062 replacing the junk stock tubes.
Undecided on whether or not I'm keeping it. Its decent if unremarkable.
No need for good interconnect cables when using a low grade Y-adapter. Mike re-wires the QS Linestages for those who prefer not to insert inferior y-adapters and extra connections into the signal path.  

@hilde45 has tested his QS Linestage with the REL speaker level and the 2nd rewired RCA pre-out and might be a good source for reference comparatively.  
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FYIWhen running Subs with a tube pre amp if possible i would suggest you run them at (Speaker level) like REL or Vandersteen does. This ensures better fidelity by not lowering the input impedance the tube pre amp sees which can cause compromise/sluggishness at the ex-streams. Cheers, JohnnyR
I own the SLP-98 and have heard both the 98 and the QS Linestage on five different systems at least.  Each Pre-Linestage has it's own presentation and they do sound different in stock form, and both benefit greatly from really good cap and tube upgrades. My SLP-98 feeds QS Mono 120 amps with KT150 tubes, and its a nice synergy.

While I prefer the SLP-98 and 6SN7 tubes more (after the upgrades are made and with the right 6SN7 tubes in play), the QS is really nice too (and a great value), and even better once the upgrades are made and with the right 6DJ8/6922 tubes.  The SLP-98 comes stock with two sets of Pre-Outs, and this is nice if you have a dual subwoofer setup.  Mike at QS can modify the QS Linestage and re-use the Tape Out to reconfigure it as a 2nd Pre-Out set if you need to for subwoofers, and he's charged a few friends about $45 for the TapeOut-PreOut mod. Can't go wrong with either.  
I love Quicksilver.  Best gear for the money.   I have Mikes Mid monos and head phone amp and they are awesome 

Best customer service, although unlikely you will ever need it

12AT7 is a great tube   , NOS is not crazy expensive like AX7 or 6922
Quicksilver pre amp with the latest 12AT7 will sound alive and vivid by comparison. we just had a fellow who replaced his Cary with the Quickie and his comments were he didn't realize how much more alive the music could be.. 
Best JohnnyR
haven't heard the qs

the cary is a very classically tubey sounding unit... honey/rose colored, somewhat rolled off up top and down low, midbass is slow but full - lacks transparency imo