Questions on KT150 tubes

Does anybody here have experience using that tube? Can you tell me how it sounds? I have a Primaluna DiaLogue Premium HP and it can use them but they aren't cheap. I'm running the stock EL34s and LOVE it but seems like this tube is all the rage. The Primaluna is unbelievable for its tube magic as-is. Also I wonder if the KT150 would last.

Also the best places to buy them. Not the cheapest. The best quality.

Showing 5 responses by samzx12

If anyone is interested I may sell my matched quad of 120's from Kevin Deal. At the most they probably have no more than 40-50 hrs. 
I have a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium (non HP) running all stock tubes. When I bought the amp I had Kevin send some TS KT-120's. After running the EL34s for awhile breaking in the amp and tubes I switched to the 120's (burned in by Kevin).  Definitely a difference but once I got a feel for the 120's, not sure if I am liking the overall sound. The 120's have a midrange glare or upper energy I am not finding pleasing so instead of buying input tubes to offset the midrange energy, I put the EL34 back in and the midrange is very very pleasing.  So I am not sure if the KT150 midrange is a lot better than KT120?  If not, proceed with caution. Also Kevin told me that the 120's over the EL34 you will gain 1db so if your looking for power he basically said its not worth it. I guess what I'm saying if you like the sound with the EL34 then you may want to think long and hard about the 150's. This is of course if the 150 midrange isn't leaps and bounds above the 120.
I assume you are answering my post Wolf? If so, all I'm saying and another poster here has the same opinion (doesn't mean its always right) before dropping $400 I would proceed with caution unless you KNOW the 150 is a much better tube. Also there are lots of naysayers everywhere so take it with a grain of salt. However, mileage varies right? 
Excellent post and very informative.  I totally agree with your assessment on the KT 120.  I find them too digital sounding also.