Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers?

The reason I am asking is I feel manufacturers of high quality components include all that is ever needed, power cable wise. Sure, some people buy power cables because they need special lengths or have some out of the ordinary "noise" issues that need extra insulation. Some even like the visual aspect of the aftermarket cables. I’m just curious why many spend thousands of dollars on such when the manufacturer has taken the power cable into account when producing the product. I cannot see a High-quality audiophile component maker (especially some that sell volume) pass on a few dollars for a better sounding power cable if indeed the cable improved their product. I cannot see a person buying that $7000 amp is not going to balk if the product was introduced at  $7100 (with the better cable). 

I wonder if Luxman, Accuphase, McIntosh, name it "dressed" their power cables up to look like expensive aftermarket cables, owners would be so quick to "upgrade"?

I’d be curious to hear Ralph’s opinion on the subject


Ralph is one of the few manufacturers who will get on Agon and answer questions of all sorts, and sometimes that puts him at odds with some folks. I do not own any of his gear currently, but I highly respect his views and insights and appreciate his input.....and I'll definitely be looking at his Class D amps when i add one, just because of this.....and his reputation.

Try some new cables, build a few cables, see if they work for you; if they don't then at least we've learned something. I am a cable believer, and to my ears they do make an audible difference....especially as my system has gotten more resolving. That's me, with my gear, and my ears......some agree, some disagree.

Maybe it's placebo, but I don't think so. Plus I am LOVING building DIY cables right now, it's meditative and I end up with a product at the end. If I don't love the cable (or it's not better than what I have), I give it to a friend.


Power cables do not change sound. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or willfully ignorant. Don't drink the snake oil... it's thick in here. 

Ah, the joys of negative expectation bias. That's when you have a belief that cables (or other audio gear) do not have an effect on sound, which leads to not hearing a difference even when other skilled listeners can hear a difference. It's important to recognize that controlled listening trials (using single or double-blind testing) can control for positive expectation bias (where an expected difference can bias results), but even blinded testing cannot control for negative expectation bias. This makes it incredibly important not to underestimate the power of expecting "no difference" when comparing audio equipment. But I definitely don't think people with negative expectation bias are lying or ignorant. 

@sdl4 "Ah, the joys of negative expectation bias. That's when you have a belief that cables (or other audio gear) do not have an effect on sound, which leads to not hearing a difference even when other skilled listeners can hear a difference. It's important to recognize that controlled listening trials (using single or double-blind testing) can control for positive expectation bias (where an expected difference can bias results), but even blinded testing cannot control for negative expectation bias. This makes it incredibly important not to underestimate the power of expecting "no difference" when comparing audio equipment. But I definitely don't think people with negative expectation bias are lying or ignorant."

Please!  It's just a freakin' wire!

Please!  It's just a freakin' wire!

Mojo Digital Power Cord

What was wrong with the OEM power cord that came with the equipment you installed the audiophile power cord on?
